Jeno Profile

385 7 0

Real Name: Lee Je No (이제노)
Birthdate: April 23, 2000
Birthplace: Incheon, South Korea
Nationality: Korean
Height: 171 cm
Weight: 45 kg
Position: Visual, Vocalist and Lead Dancer

1. He relaxes by watching TV.

2. He doesn't like plums.
3. He also doesn't like oysters.
4. He loves photography and cameras.
5. He loves playing mobile games.

6. He loves social media.

7. He says he has a terrible sense of direction.

8. He enjoys sleeping on his side.

9. He knows how to play many instruments, mainly the violin.

10. He loves Chocolate milk, glazed donuts, watermelon, ramen, fried chicken, hamburgers, ice cream, slushies, dark chocolate, seawood soup, Jjampong, sour foods.

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