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Rory and jess have dinner with Luke and Lorelai in the closed diner before the town meeting and tell them about the things that happened in the diner earlier in the day. Luke and Lorelai tell jess and Rory they are proud for everything they said standing up for each other and trying to make sure the gossip mill doesn't spread their personal business around town. Once they finish dinner they head over to the town meeting and every time Luke, Lorelai, Rory or Jess are asked anything about the relationship between jess and Rory they just say they aren't answering anything right now.

Taylor goes threw the normal town business and ask's if anyone else would like to speak, Rory hold her hand up and brings jess up to the front.

"I know you all have probably heard that me and jess where heard having some Private time above the diner and that we appear to be together, So we wanted to address it ourselves and answer any question's you may have. Yes we are together and yes we have had private time, No we don't not wish to discuss it with anyone nor do we want to talk about it with anyone, If you think you hear something it may be something else, Please do not discuss our personal life with each other, We don't discuss your personal life so don't discuss ours.." Rory get interrupted by Taylor

"Well any noise heard is a town matter, if the town can hear it then the children can hear it"

"Oh shut up Taylor and let us finish" Jess said

"We also wanted to announce I'm pregnant" Rory said

"Jess you Hoodlum, Why would you do this to poor innocent Rory?" Taylor say's

"Seriously you don't think she had any say in it" Jess ask's

"Well its not like Rory" Taylor said

"Well Taylor, I did have a say and I did let it happen and guess what Taylor I loved every mind blowing second of it" Rory said angrily

"Someone is hormonal" Taylor said

"No someone is fed up with you putting the blame on one person and not everyone involved" Luke said

"Any question's?" Rory asked

"How long have you been back together?"

"We have been seeing each other almost a few month's and made it official a few day's ago" Jess said

"Oh so you got her pregnant so you could keep her around" Taylor said

"No Taylor, The pregnancy was not planned on wither of our part's it just happened and we love each other that why we are together" Jess said

"When are you due?"

"mid July" Rory said

"Are you staying in star's hollow"

"We are still discussing thing's" Jess said

"When's the wedding"

"We haven't discussed marriage as we are going to get to know each other as adults more first" Rory said

"Anything else?" Jess asked

Later that night jess and Rory sat down with Luke and Lorelai to discuss the living situation.

"Mom, Luke we wanted to talk to you about the living situation, I don't want to live in the house because you need your own privacy your newly married and me and jess where thinking it would be good if I maybe moved to Philadelphia with him since he has Truncheon and I cant look for a job there, What do you think" Rory asked

"If you think that's best, All I ask is you come visit often, You can stay in the Apartment above the Diner when you need it and if you want after the baby is born we can set up a little area for the baby with a crib" Lorelai said

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