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2 weeks later October 23rd

Robert and April got back from Australia yesterday and decided to visit Rory, Logan and Richie after Robert got home for his half day at work.

"How was Australia" Logan asked

"Amazing, warm and beautiful we didnt want to leave" Robert says

"I'm just majorly jet lagged despite sleeping on the plane" April says

"Thats no good, it shouldnt take you too long to get back to normal if you get back to your old routine" Rory says

"Thats the thing for the last 2 days we have been on our regular sleep schedule, I'm jet lagged and hes fine" April says

Rory, Logan and Robert all look at each other

"April is there a possibility you could be.." Rory asks

"No, I'm on birth control and we are always careful" April says

"There was that one time When we first got there" Robert says

"No. It's jet lag, my body isn't used to travel as much as Roberts" April says

"April, I was on birthcontol too and it only took one time to end up with Richie" Rory says

"No way. Honeymoon baby" April says

"Only way to know is to test" Robert says

"Only if Rory does too" April says

"Fine, boys go buy some tests" Rory says

The boys drive to the drug store and pick out a bunch of tests for the girls and chat

"So how do you fell about the possibility of being a daddy" Logan asks

"Your kidding right, I would be ecstatic" Robert says

"Does she know this" Logan asks

"I have only said whenever she's ready we can talk about it and try, I never wanted to pressure her, but I hope we are having a baby" Robert says

"Did you possibly subconsciously forget for a reason" Logan asks

"Quite possibly, you know how I want all of us to have kids that grow up together" Robert says

"You know at the rate me and Rory go at it that no matter what at sometime we will have a kid the same age" Logan says with a laugh

"That is very true" Robert says

Meanwhile the girls are back at the house having their own chat

"How do you feel about this possibility of a baby" Rory asks

"I dont know, I would love having a baby with the man I love but I think it may be too soon for Robert" April says

"What makes you say that" Rory asks

"he has only said that when I'm ready we will talk about it and try" April says

"Maybe he wants a baby, is there a possibility thats why you didnt insist on using a condom" Rory says

"Maybe, but I do hope we are ready for either result, I'm happy your doing the test with me even if we know your not pregnant" April says

"My periods have been so messed up the last few months I never know when to expect them" Rory says

The guys get back from the store with 14 pregnancy tests

"Holy crow, go a little over board did we" Rory says with a laugh

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