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Later that night Logan and Rory invited the guys, Stephanie, Juliet and Rosemary out to dinner, Finn's hang over was gone and Logan wanted to poke a little fun at Finn and Juliet.

"So last night was a good night for more then just me and Rory" Logan said

"What Colin told you" Stephanie said while giving Colin a little smack on the arm

"Well no you just did, I see there was a really good night" Logan said

"He was referring to another guy at the table, Anyone else want to fess up" Rory said

"Well I had a good time with a slightly crazy controlling blonde woman" Robert said

"Robert did you just admit to sleeping with Paris?" Rory asked

"Yes, She's a hand full that one" Robert said with a smile

"Well Mates, I guess we all had a good night last night. I want my good night to be a reoccurring event, That is if she will have me " Finn said Looking Juliet's way

Juliet started to blush and bit her lip

"Juliet, is there a reason your blushing?" Rosemary asked

"Yes, I never expected it to happen but I slept with Finn and well it was amazing I..I" Juliet said

"Juliet maybe we should talk privately" Finn said interrupting her

Juliet grabbed Finn by the hand and took him into an area that was quiet

"Do you mean what you just said? You want to make it a reoccurring event?" Juliet asked

"Yes all of it, I want it to be just me and you, I never thought I could feel this way for one person, We are amazing together" Finn said

"Exclusive. Your asking for a relationship for real?" Juliet asked

"Yes I want that but if you don't it is ok"

"No, No Finn I want that, I'm just shocked to hear you say that, I didn't think those words would ever come out of your mouth" Juliet said

"Well Darling, Then it's settled, We are in an excusive relationship" Finn said

"Yes, We are" Juliet said

Juliet and Finn walked back into the dining room where their group sat as everyone looked at them and Finn uttered the words no one expected "I have decided I want to be with Juliet, Exclusively"

"Woah, Finn it's about time buddy" Colin said

"I Knew one day you would find the right girl and finally be in a relationship" Robert said

"So Finn and Juliet, Paris and Robert, Colin and Stephanie" Sounds like the old days just some of us are more committed

"Robert's the only one who hasn't stuck to one woman" Colin said

"Excuse me are you saying what I think your saying?" Robert asks

"Me and Stephanie are sleeping with each other and she's the only girl I've been with intimately for a few weeks, I don't know what it exactly mean for us but I'm sure me and her can figure that out when we are ready" Colin said

"Logan, I think our marriage is changing our friends.." Rory said jokingly

"You are the role models, Mother and Father" Finn says

"Everyone has to grow up one day" Logan said

"Never Fully, Just be more responsible when needed" Finn retorted

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