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She figured it was his way of nicely breaking up with her so he didn't get hurt by Lorelai or Luke, or even his way of running away. Rory called Logan and said she needed those guys and a truck and Logan had them there to pick her stuff up in 4 hours and she would be gone before jess was even home. Logan had his maid make up the spare room for Rory to stay in and he made sure her car could go into the garage so no one would know she was staying there fi she didn't want them knowing. He even had a completely empty room for her box's to go into, He and the guys where going to be at the house to move her stuff in when she arrived. Rory left a note for jess

"I know your only doing this to keep me safe, at least I hope that's the only reason, I wont tell mom or Luke. I will just say we decided it was what was safest for me and the baby until further notice. I'm sorry Jess I love you, I just want you to be happy and if it means setting you free then I will do it. Take care Rory"

Once all her stuff was packed in the truck and her car she locked the door and put her keys threw the mail slot, Then drove all the way back to Hartford.

Once she arrived she got hug's from the boys and told she was to sit down and direct box's to her bedroom or the box room. After all the box's not loaded into the house and the car parked in the garage Colin and Robert stuck around to help Rory set up the spare room for herself.

"Guys you are all amazing but I thin I'm just going to go lay down, I'm tired and have to look for a job tomorrow if I'm going to pull my weight around here" Rory said
You heard her boy's in less you live here get out" Logan said

"I didn't mean that" Rory said

"Well I don't want Robert hanging around too much" Logan said

"Oh why might that be Logan" Finn asked dramatically

"Finn you know damn well why" Logan said

"Because he's trying to worm into bed with Rory" Finn said

"Partly, other part I want to make sure Rory get's her rest" Logan said

"I'm sure she will, she's protected here, No one but us 4 know she's here or who she is and anyone else just think's she's shacking up with me" Finn said laughing

"You Finn I trust to be around when I'm sleeping, Robert not so much, Logan is just looking out for me" Rory said

"As for you miss, You shouldn't be worried about getting a job right now you have to worry about the test and recovery" Logan said

"Ok, Ok fine, I will just write my book on the sexcapades of the LDB" Rory said with sarcasm

"I have a million stories for the book Rory" Finn said

"Calm down Finn, she doesn't need your stories" Logan said

"Finn, the book isn't actually about that, Its about my relationship with my mom and the story of us" Rory said

"Well that should be a killer book, you come very a very sexy gene pool" Finn said

"Finn cool your hormones she's a married woman and I'm pregnant and living with my ex who may be my baby daddy and you" Rory said

"I'm not just your ex and possible father of your baby but, I'm your friend, I want to be called your friend before your ex and maybe your baby's dad" Logan said

"Ok I get it ex is kind of a negative term" Rory said

2 weeks pass January 16th

Over the last 2 weeks jess has only text Rory once asking when the test was, where it was and if he had to be there. Logan on the other hand spent a lot of time with Rory, The watched movie's cuddled, he made her dinner, she baked him her specialty Anything in a tube, A lot of nights she would fall asleep in his arm's other nights when she couldn't fall asleep she would curl up in bed with him and he always loved waking up to that surprise. He went out for guy's nights on weekends still, Juliet would come keep her company when the guys where out. On this day Logan decided he would go to the appointment to do the DNA sample part then take her to lunch. When they got to the dr's office jess was there waiting, When he saw Logan and Rory entered together he didn't look happy

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