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2 weeks pass March 2nd

Juliet had been waking up feeling very tired and she's been feeling sick on and off.

"Darling, I think you should take a test or see a Dr, This doesnt seem to be just the flu" Finn says

"Alright I will take a test" Juliet says

"Do you need me to go to the drug store to get one" Finn asks

"Yes please get a few if you dont mind" Juliet says

While Finn ran to the drug store Juliet pee's in a sterile cup to use for the test, 15 minutes later Finn comes back with 10 tests

"When I said a few I meant 3 or 4 not the whole store" Juliet says with a laugh

"I wanted to make sure" Finn said with a smirk

Juliet walks into the bathroom were the cup of her urine is and dunks a test and waits the required 3 minutes

"Darling Times up, do you want me to check" Finn asks

"Yes, I'm too scared" Juliet says

Finn walks into the bathroom and looks at the test then walks out of the bathroom

"No" Finn says sadly

"Oh, I really thought I was" Juliet says with a sad tone

"It's a good thing you were sad to not be having a baby because its got 2 lines" Finn says

"I'm pregnant" Juliet says happily while smiling

"I'm going to be a daddy" Finn says smiling

"Your blue eye's my strawberry blonde hair" Juliet says smiling

"No matter what we will have gorgeous baby's, I cant wait to tell everyone" Finn says

"Tonight, We have a family dinner with everyone" Juliet says

That night at the restaurant

"Mate's I have some major news" Finn says

"Come out with it already" Logan says

"I'm being promoted from Husband to Father" Finn says

"Who did you knock up, Juliet must be mad" Stephanie jokes

"Juliet, she's having my baby" Finn says

"Well Colin, Stephanie it seems like youre the only one's left without a baby on the way" Logan says

"Actually, we aren't" Colin says

"What did you do, or should I say who" Robert asks

"I got my girlfriend pregnant" Colin says

"Colin you dirty bastard" Finn says

"Stephanie must be pissed off" Robert says

"I would hope she knows as she is the mother" Colin says

"Congrats guys I guess we are all prego together for a bit" Rory says

"Mate, why are we just hearing about this" Finn asks

"We decided to wait till she was further along" Colin says

"Well congrats to us all expecting kids at the same time" Logan says

"Now none of us women can drink until further notice" April says

"How far along are you Stephanie" Juliet asks

"Just about 9 weeks, what about you" Stephanie asks

"Guessing on how late my period was I'm guessing about 5-6 weeks" Juliet says

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