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"Oh, and am I Juliet?" Finn asked

"Finn, Yes you do what I want when I want it, You know you read my body like no one else" Juliet said

"Hey, What about me?"

"Logan, we never happened" Juliet said laughing

"Logan you know your amazing, your gentle and rough, your perfect" Rory said with a smile

"Well it appears we got the right men for us" Juliet said giving Rory a high 5

"Yes we do have the right men for us, Now lets hope that maybe those 2 click really well like I'm sure they will" Rory said

"So what did April ask of you Rory?" Logan asked

"He told her to talk to me before she made that big decision, I think it was his way of asking me for permission" Rory said

"What did you tell her" Logan asked

"I told her the truth that hes never waiting this long for a girl and hes always made the first move and kicked the girl out by now" Rory said

"Well I hope hes good to her" Finn said

"I'm sure he will be, he knows what's at risk" Logan said

"Only time will tell" Rory said

The next morning July 10th

Logan was in the kitchen making breakfast and coffee for everyone when Robert came out quietly.

"So man how did it go?" Logan asked

"I couldn't" Robert said

"did she say no?" Logan asked

"No I want to wait" Robert said

"Oh" Logan said

"I want a relationship not just sex, I really like her and I want to develop a relationship based on more then sex" Robert said

"Well, how does she feel about this?" Logan asked

"She seemed happy when I told her I wanted to have a relationship with her that wasn't based around sex" Robert said

"Wow so are you in an official relationship?" Logan asked

"I haven't officially asked her but I want too with you and Rory's permission" Robert said

"I'm sure Rory will say yes, your showing a new side of yourself, Aprils dad on the other hand might be a little different" Logan said

"Ya, that's the issue also, and she may be going to a school away from here"

"You do know she could chose to go to Yale for that and I'm sure there are strings that can be pulled, we do know a lot of Yale faculty and a few of them are also LDB members" Logan said

"Well that's true I will have to see if she applied to Yale at all" Robert said

"Rory already told her she could stay here if she went to Yale" Logan said

Rory heard the guys in the kitchen and sent April a text that if she was awake to come to her room so they could talk 2 minutes later April came walking into Rory's bedroom.

"Hey, how are you doing?" Rory asks

"Good, Robert and I didn't have sex last night we just fooled around" April says

"Oh did you change your mind" Rory asks

"No he said he wants to get to know me first and not have a relationship based around sex" April says

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