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Rory got to the apartment over the diner and told jess they needed to talk, she was really nervous on what he would do and he could tell she was nervous.

"Rory, What's wrong?"

"Jess the baby is ok but there is a discrepancy of my gestation now." Rory said

"What do you mean?" jess asked

"I may be further along then they thought." Rory said

"By how far" jess said

"4 weeks" Rory said

"So it may be Logan's baby, How will we know for sure" jess asked

"I'm going to get ultrasounds every 2 weeks and I have to get amniocentesis, they can check lung maturity to get a better picture." Rory said

"But is there a way of knowing 100%" jess asked

"A DNA test they can provide at the same time" Rory said

"I think we should do that, I need to know if its logans baby or not, It complicates a lot of things if it is his, I need to think" jess said

"Jess I'm going to spend the night at my moms I don't need to be anymore stressed then I am" Rory said with a tear rolling down her cheek

Rory went and told her mom what happened

"Rory you have to admit it's a shock, it would be a shock to find out that your gf may be having another man's baby from before you where together" Lorelai said

"Well he shouldn't have made it seem like DNA mattered, Like you said if he really loves me he wouldn't care. But he does care" Rory said crying

"Rory just get some sleep, you have a long trip home tomorrow" Lorelai said

"Ok mom" Rory said

2 week's pass January 2nd

Rory went for her ultrasound to check on the development, While she was at her appointment Jess had a visitor.

"Welcome to truncheon book's let me know if I can help you find anything"

"I'm looking for Jess Mariano"

"That would be, What can I do for you today?"

"You can step aside, Leave Rory, She needs someone better then you"

"Excuse me, who are you?"

"A concerned friend, If you don't break it off with her your life will become a living hell"

"I'm not leaving her, no matter what"

"Prepare to lose everything then"

"You cant be much of a friend to her if your willing to break a family up"

"You cant be a family if her kid isn't yours"

"That baby is mine even if not by blood"

"The baby can be taken away if you don't leave her, Do you really want to kill her"

"Choose wisely Mr. mariano"

While Rory was in the exam room Dr Stevens told her that baby was still measuring 4 weeks ahead of the first ultrasound and she would be about 14 week's, They scheduled the amniocentesis for 2 weeks from today.

When Rory was leaving Dr Stevens office she ran into Logan, Finn, Robert and Colin in the waiting room they where waiting for her.

"Hi boy's I've missed you, What do you want Logan I'm not up to talking to you"

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