how you meet

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You are the newest member of team 7 and you had gotten to the training grounds to wait for your Sensei when suddenly a Blondie appeared. "Hi,are u our newest member?" He said. He had sparkling blue eyes and bright blonde hair. You smiled at him and greeted him back. A few minutes later the rest of the team came. You and Naruto got along very well.

You were new in the leaf. And you were summoned to the hokage's office. You went and you were told that she was busy. So you had wait. After about 10 minutes you were summoned in. When you got in you saw that four other people were in the office. You got in and said"Good afternoon everyone." Everyone greeted back. Then Lady Hokage said"(Y/N) this is your new team. Team seven this is your new teammate (Y/N),"Lady Homage then said to the man with the silver hair,"Kakashi this is your mission"She then gave Kakashi an envelope. A boy with bright blonde hair said cheerfully. "Oh yeah we haven't been given a mission for ages!" He then fist pumped the air. A girl with pink hair smiled and said."I am so looking forward to this. How about you Sasuke?," Sasuke grunted as an answer. Kakashi then said"Okay go and pack I will meet you at the village gates in an hour." You then left the office and headed home. Sasuke ran after you."Hey (Y/N) can I ask you a question?" You said ok then he said "What is your kenkei genkai?" You then said that you could copy any jutsu.


You were friends with Hinata and she asked to come to her house,you arrived they are about 20 minutes later. You knocked on the door and Hinata opened and the two of you went to her room. You and her did each other's nails. Then there was a nock on the door. And then it opened and in came a boy who looked a little like Hinata but had longer hair"Hinata I wanted to ask if you have seen my maths headband?'Neji asked then he saw you and added"and who is your friend?". Hinata then said"This-i-is(Y/N) a-and your h-headband i-is i-n-n the lounge. " Neji said goodbye to you.


You were walking down the streets of the sand looking for your sister. Then your phone began to ring. You answered it and it was your sister telling you that she was at her friend's house. You went there and surprisingly Your sister was talking to Tamari. This surprised you because your sister and Tamari we enemies not friends.
You decided to sit and wait for them to finish. A few minutes later a redhead came, your sister said that he was Gaara. You talked to him a few minutes before going home.


You were walking around Konaha lazily looking for your best friend. As you were walking you saw a guy with a pineapple shaped head looking at the clouds while sitting under a tree.
You decided to play a trick on him. You  climbed up the tree without him noticing and dropped a book on his head. To your surprise he caught it and said"You should be more quieter when you sneak up on people"
You blushed beetroot red and you apologized. "I'm (Y/N)" you said. "And I'm Shikamaru" he said lazily.


You were walking your dog at the park when suddenly a dog came running towards yours. He and your dog seemed to know each other. A guy came running up to you."I'm sorry about Akamaru,he's not always like this and I'm Kiba"he said while grinning goofily. "I'm (Y/N)" you said,also returning his grin.

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