New Character!

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How you meet.

You were the last survivor of the Tan clan. A clan that was well known for their healing abilities and their immunity to any poison. Your clan had been wiped out by a group of rogue ninjas who had wanted a secret scroll that your family had.
After the death of your entire clan you swore to avenge their deaths. So for the past two years you had been tracking the assassins down.
You were in a bar and spying on a rogue ninja. He had the blue cloak with black stripes that was similar to the ones of the assassins.
Suddenly the man got up to leave. You slyly followed him out the door. You had been following him for quite a while when suddenly he said, " Come out I know you are there,"
You stepped out of the shadows and faced him.
" What do you want?," He snarled while stopping closer to you.
" Revange!" You screamed and threw a kunai at him. He managed to dodge it but it grazed his cheek.
" Listen here little girl, I don't know who you are so I'm giving you a chance to apologize right now.
You felt insulted and weaved some signs," Water style,droplets of pain!, "
Thousands of poisonous raindrops poured down on him.
*An hour later*
You jumped down from the tree you had been hiding in and stabbed him through the back with your electric sword. He chocked in pain for a few seconds then he collapsed on the ground and went still.
You were just about to walk away when a voice Interrupted you.
" Very impressive," a male voice said. You turned around and came face to face with a dark haired guy. He had intriguing golden-green eyes and long black hair. He had a dangerous aura but you were not scared.
" Who are you?, " You asked as your hand tightened around your sword.
" Orochimaru,what is your name? " He said getting closer to you.
Your eyes widened in surprise,
" I-i-im (y/n)," you stuttered.
" Very interesting and useful technique you've got, I think I could use with such a talented and beautiful ninja working with me " He smiled.
You blushed at the complement.
" Really?, " you asked,the offer appealed to you.
" Yes if you want to work with me, follow me," He said turning to leave. You followed him immediately,not wanting to waste a second.

You become friends.

Working with Orochimaru was quite an experience for you. You trained daily and grew stronger. Sometimes Orochimaru trained you. One day,you were practicing  a new jutsu when he joined you.
" You have  been training hard for these last couple of weeks and I think you deserve a break, follow me," he said. You followed him to a beautiful stream where he had brought a picnic for you too.
He had packed all of your favourite food into the picnic. You were curious as to how he had known what food you enjoyed.
" Sit and enjoy, " He said. You obeyed and sat on the midnight blue picnic blanket, he sat down opposite you and you two stared at each other. An awkward silence hang in the air. Until your stomach growled this made him burst out laughing. You stared at him confused. " Are you just gonna sit there or are you gonna eat? ," He smirked.
You blushed and you began eating. The two of you enjoyed your picnic and after that awkward silence things loosened up. In the end you two got along very well,it was like you had known each other for years.

He kisses you.

You were walking around in the hideout,looking for Orochimaru because he said he needed your help with some experimenting. You found him in the lab, immersed in a medical book. You decided to play with him a little. You snuck up behind him and placed your hands on his eyes.
" (y/n)" he immediately said. You reluctantly removed your hands from his eyes.
" How did you know it was me? ," you pouted.
" Because I know you, I would be able to know the real you in a room full of your shadow clones, " you blushed. Then he stood up to face you.
" But that was an awful trick you played on me there, " He said moving closer to you. You kept stepping back until your back hit the wall. He smirked and surprised you by kissing you. However you managed to recover from the surprise quickly and kissed him back.

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