You Become Friends

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After training,you hurried off to meet your sister Ino. After taking your bag,you ran to your house.
But when you got there your sister was already gone. So you went to the ramen shop because she hung out with her friends.
You quickly changed into a purple halter top and you slipped on a pair of black jeans.
Then you walked to the ramen shop. When you got there,you saw Ino arguing with Sakura. You sighed and went over to her. When you said hello neither of them even glanced at you. You ordered some ramen and ate. Two minutes later,Naruto came running in,and he ordered ramen. Then he said "Hi (Y/N)" you said hi back and continued eating. After finishing,he turned to you and asked"So where are you from?"You smiled and said"I'm Ino's sister, we share the same father, but I have been living with my mother until a week ago " Naruto still looked curious,then he said"But why did you move? ". " Because my mom died"you said sadly.
Naruto had pity written all over his eyes when he said"I'm sorry,my parents also died when I was a baby."
You smiled a little and said"Do you want some more ramen? " then Naruto said "Sure but I'll buy more for you too." You smiled and said "Its a deal!"

You were on a mission and the enemy had captured"you",but it was only a clone, you got behind him and stabbed him with a kunai. The enemy was defeated and your mission was complete,Sasuke then ran over to you and asked if you two could train together and you agreed. Over the course of a month you trained together and you became friends.

As you were doing homework, there was a knock on the door. You opened it and were surprised to see Neji standing there. You let him in " Hi,Hinata's not feeling well"he said ,you sighed and said "Let's go and see how she is" Neji and you ran to Hunata's,when you got there,Hinata was lying on the sofa and she was blushing and acting crazing. You sighed and said"I suspect a case of crushities."Neji sighed and said "Well looks like there's no cure for this" You laughed and said "Yep there's no cure."


You were currently at the library. You saw a book you had been looking for in one of the shelves. As you reached to take it,another hand was on the book. You looked up and saw cloud watching boy. You smiled and said"You can take it"he only shook his head and said,"no you can have it" you smiled and said"What if I take it out and we can read it together. "
"Okay I'm Shikamaru" Shikamaru said."And I'm (Y/N)"you said while smiling.

Over the course of two weeks,Gaara and you talked while your sisters talked together. In the end you became friends.

After Akamaru ambushed you,you and Kiba got to know each other and you found out that you had a lot in common. You arranged to meet up at the park tomorrow. You felt like you had made a great friend.

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