*6*(Criss's P.O.V.)

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Kc went up to Rachel and asked her to help get the pregnant girl Zoey in the building...for there were several different rooms in the warehouse-like building she had turned into her safehouse. As soon as Kc opened the doors Rachel and the other's all jumped back for Houdini was growling a little bit...I moved toward the door and told him to go lay down...he whined a little bit, apologetically and went back in the room with Johnny and Kiefer.

Abby and Ronnie carried their travel packs into one of the spare rooms that they chose to make their sleeping quarters...then placed the feather mattresses they carried along with blankets and pillows...then Ronnie ran over to where Kc was helping hold Zoey up...and took his girlfriend and laid her down on their makeshift bed...then covered her up.

Abby set up her's and Mark's bed for ever since she joined up with the group she became an immediate match with him, and they were a very solid couple...Mickey walked in and tossed his single bedroll in the far corner and after getting it ready...he went back outside to sit and have a smoke. I went outside when I went into our room to check on my boys, only to find Kiefer nowhere in sight...I hollered for him as I ran out the door...I eased up a little, when I saw him standing in front of Mickey asking him all kinds of silly questions...but I scolded him for sneaking out, without telling me or Kc first...he plopped down on his but and pouted for a while...but I picked him up and hung him upside down and told him to stop irritating the new arrivals.

Mickey put out his smoke, and gave Kiefer a grin, and said he wasn't bothering him in the slightest...and that it's been a while since he's seen a toddler...and that their sense of conversation was quite refreshing and entertaining. I told him I know that was right...and if he let him...Kiefer would talk his ear off...Mickey looked at Kiefer and then pulled out an old child's toy called clackers...and showed him how to use them...then he handed them to him to try...I just looked at Mickey and said he was really going to regret giving those noise makers to him...Mickey said nah...kids needed to be noisy...for any kid that wasn't...there was something wrong with them.

Kiefer ran in circles in the yard close to the building clacking his new toy that Mickey gave him...when Johnny and Houdini came out to see what all the noise was about. Kiefer showed Johnny his new toy, that Mickey gave him...but Johnny didn't seem interested in the toy...he had the old tennis ball, and tossed it as far as he could for Houdini to play fetch with him. 

Mickey looked at me and asked me how many tiny tots were there...I chuckled by his remark and told him I only had two, and for now that was plenty...then he asked me what kid #2's name was...I told him his name was Johnny. Mickey looked at them and told me I had a couple of great looking kids. I told him thanks and hollered at them, to stay close to the building...Mickey looked at me, and said he'd look after them if I needed to do something inside...I was insecure about trusting a total stranger with my kids...but he seemed like a very honest guy...especially when I noticed a medal of Valor, and a Red Badge of Courage hanging around his neck...

I was over curious and asked him if he was a Veteran of somekind...he slowly turned to me and said he was a Navy Seal special Ops, and contract professional sniper/hitman for the government...before the world changed anyway...then he also added that he was honorably discharged with the highest honors. I told him that he was a good addition to our group than...beens he was in the survival business. Mickey gave a slight smile and said that he would be honored to join the family group, that safety was in numbers...escpecially if the numbers you have could be trusted.

I left Johnny and Kiefer with Mickey as I went back inside...to help out with whatever needed to be done. Kc was in with Zoey for she was about ready to have her baby, and Abby had no idea on what to do...none of them did for that matter...Ronnie was holding onto Zoey's hands and breathing with her...I walked in and when I saw Zoey having complications...I ran over to where Kc was and told her that the baby was coming out the wrong way...and that it needed to be turned around. I watched it being done when my boys were born...so I jumped in and put my hands in and slowly turned the baby around, while waiting for each of the contractions...then when she contracted and pushed I gently helped by pulling.

Two hours later I was cleaning up the infant and handing her to her daddy Ronnie...while Kc was cleaning Zoey up and giving her some medicine to help her rest...Ronnie held her, but was totally lost on what to do...he's never been a father before, or has ever been around babies for that matter...I told him to hold her head, and support her body with his arms...Ronnie sat down next to Zoey and told her that the baby was beautiful. Zoey gave him a tired smile and went to sleep knowing she did a good job...Abby stayed in the room to help Ronnie with the baby until Zoey woke up to feed her.

I went into the kitchen area where the washing pan was and cleaned my hands off and dried them...then I went back outside to check on my boys...Kc followed me just to get some fresh air...we both looked around and saw Mickey wrestling with them and Houdini...Mickey was laying on the bottom with Johnny and Kiefer jumping on top of him...and of course Houdini licking his face. At that moment I knew my kids were totally safe with Mickey.

We all went back into the building to have a nice dinner...then we all went in to check on the new arrival...Zoey and Ronnie were really wrapped up in their baby girl...beens no one else was going to ask Kc and I decided to ask them what they were going to name their little girl...Zoey looked right at me, and said if it hadn't been for me her baby wouldn't have been delivered successfully...so she asked if it would be ok if she named their baby Christine...that and for the fact that Ronnie's favorite movie was Stephen King's Christine...we all had a good laugh and said that it was a very good name.

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