Merideth, Sam, & Magic (Prolouge)

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I hate my new house. I have three main reasons. One, its in the city. Two, its really, really small. Three, my mom made us move here just so she could spend time with her boyfriend.

Did I also mention how much I hate my mom? I don't know how many reasons I have. All I know is that there are a lot. First, she's drunk most of the time. Second, she makes me and my sister Sam act like her slaves. Third, my mom beats us. Fourth, she doesn't have a job. Fifth, she wishes me and Sam didn't exist. She doesn't care for us at all.

Anyway, I had to stuff everything I owned into our tiny new house. It was a small apartment, and me and Sam were stuffed into closets; my room was a closet with a cot stuck in it. At least the cot let me fold it up. Not that there was much room anyway to move and fold it.

So I stuck in a bookcase, and stuffed everything else I owned on that. Thank goodness I had few possessions. I managed to fit it all in.

I think that me and Sam would have at least preferred taking turns sleeping on the couch, but since our stuff could never leave our rooms, I think it was better we slept on broken springs and blankets.

That is my life. I can't wait for it to be over.

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