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six | ❝thank you❞

MARNIE LAY AWAKE, STARING AT the ceiling. Aurora had showed Marnie around and bought her to a cell where an older girl, Beth, was sleeping in. Beth seemed sweet. She had smiled at Marnie was she shuffled into the room, and offered her the top bunk.

She was terrified of Rick. And the fact she was all alone in this prison with no one she knew made it worse. For a moment, she found herself hating Jamie. How dare he leave her. How dare he abandon her. But she knew it was for the better. He couldn't keep her safe with no where to sleep.

"Are you alright?" Beth had asked, more than once. Marnie didn't reply. She didn't know if it was easier to be quiet, or harder. Maybe if she stayed quiet, she could disappear.

"Marnie, could you just come here for a sec?"

The voice was unfamiliar. It was the next day, but Marnie didn't remember falling asleep. She assumed that she had cried herself into a dreamless sleep. For a moment, she debated playing dead. She didn't want to leave the safety of the bed, which was surprisingly comfortable.

As she had begun to pull herself up, she saw the face of the man Aurora was kissing. He smiled kindly at her, leaning against the door.

"Glenn," he said, holding his hand out. Hesitantly, Marnie reached out and shook it. He tilted his head towards the door and the cell before turning to leave. She couldn't play dead now.

"You were here when Carl find you, yeah?" Glenn asked when Marnie stepped out of the cell. There was a large chalk drawing of the prison. Carl was stood next to Glenn, watching as he traced down hallways with his fingers.

"We secured this," Glenn said, pointing towards another section. "And your people tore a hole into the fence, meaning walkers are probably floating in. And that Governor."

Marnie felt as though everyone was blaming her for the hole. She shuffled uncomfortably, but felt Beth behind her. She placed a hand on Marnie's shoulder, reassuringly.

"Why are you so sure he's gonna attack?" Beth questioned, "maybe you scared him off."

"He had fish tanks full of heads,"a woman with dreads said, "Walkers and humans - trophies. He's coming."

"We could take him on," Carl said.

"We should hit him now," Glenn agreed. Marnie didn't know what anyone was talking about. Was the governor a code name for a walker?

"He won't be expecting it," Glenn continued. "We'll sneak back in and put a bullet in his head. You know where his apartment is," he said, coming towards the woman with dreads. "You and I could end this tonight, Michonne."

"He didn't know you were coming, last time, and look what happened," an old man piped up reminded Michonne. "You were almost killed, Daryl was captured," he turned to Glenn" ,and you and Maggie were almost executed."

"You can't stop me, Hershel, "Glenn said, spat.

"Rory can," Hershel retorted, shaking his head.

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