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seven | ❝everyone's really nice, jay❞

MARNIE FOLLOWED GLENN OUT OF the prison and towards a car parked in the courtyard. There weren't that many walkers around on this side of the prison, which was surprising. Marnie didn't want to think how long it must've taken to clear out if this was a prison that was in use when the outbreak started.

"Glenn!" Hershel called out, following them quickly, limping on his crutches. Glenn gestured for Marnie to get into the car whilst he stopped. They spoke to each other for a moment, and it looked like Glenn was about to yell, but he didn't. He ran his hand through his hair and nodded at whatever Hershel was saying, before he got into the car.

"Your people," Glenn began, starting the car. Maggie, who was meant to come with them, was pulling the fence open for them, "you been with them for long?" 

One on one conversations were easier for Marnie. There wasn't as much pressure to talk loudly, or any opportunity to say the wrong thing.

"Jamie's my brother," she said, "so it was me and him for a while. And then we met Sasha, Ty and Bear. There were others, too."

Marnie fell silent. She had told herself she wouldn't think about all the death she had witnessed. She wanted to forget about everything and everyone. Her heart was only so big, and it was beginning to weight her down.

"We've lost people too," Glenn sighed, "too many people. And Rick, he just needs time, you know. But if your people help our people? You'll be fine."

As the pair drove, Marnie was thinking about where her brother would be. Somewhere in the forest would be the logical place, since there's cover, but she had a gut feeling that he wasn't there. She thought about it, her head out the window, keeping a look out. And then it hit her.

"The bus," she whispered. She turned to look at Glenn, her eyes wide, "they're in the bus."

"What bus?" Glenn asked, "where's this bus."

"I don't know," Marnie replied. She didn't know the road they were driving down, since they had gotten to the prison from the other direction. But she knew that the bus was next to the gas station, and she couldn't imagine there would be many gas stations nearby.

She told Glenn this, and he nodded. Thankfully, he knew the place she was talking about. There was a reason why there was near to nothing left in it - he and Rory had been there before and taken almost everything. It didn't take long to get to, either. About ten minutes from the prison.

The bus came into view, and Marnie sighed loudly. She wasn't relieved because she saw the bus; she was relieved because she saw the silhouette of Bear in the drivers seat. Jamie must've noticed the car speeding towards them, because there was a gunshot. Glenn slammed onto the breaks, then looked at Marnie.

"You should probably get out first," he said, sheepishly, "Rory will kill me if I get shot."

Marnie opened the door and stepped out. She could make out Jamie hanging out of the bus door. He spotted her and put his gun away, running towards her. Now she felt relieved. She ran towards him and, once again, they embraced. She was spun around, held tightly, and kissed by not only Jamie, but Sasha too. Ty messed up her hair affectionately, whilst Bear hugged her tightly.

It was then that Jamie spotted Glenn.

"Am I right to assume we can come back?" he shouted, and Glenn nodded.

"We need your help," he shouted back. Jamie kissed his teeth, unsure. He looked down at Marnie.

"They treated you right?" he asked, and she nodded.

"Everyone's really nice, Jay," she said. It was the most she'd spoken in days, "they have a baby, too."

"A baby?" Sasha asked, "during all of this? Must be hauled up pretty good."

"Yeah, not quite," Glenn's voice came. His raised his hand up, as if to say 'sorry to listening'. "Get in. I'll explain everything."

"So, this Governor," Jamie began, "he has it out for you?"

"Kinda," Glenn replied, "they have his town called Woodbury not far from here. You know, it's nice on the outside but he's just unhinged. Goes around killing other groups of survivors. Some kind of God complex, if you ask me."

Marnie was sat on Jamie's lap since there was no space in the back due to Ty, Sasha, and Bear. As Marnie had expected though, Jamie and Glenn got along. They had similar mannerisms, too. They both seemed to kiss their teeth when they got annoyed, and both ran their fingers through their hair.

"And you need our help to fight?" Bear asked. Glenn nodded again.

"I'm not saying we won't," Sasha said, choosing her words carefully, "but we've only ever fought walkers."

"And my priority is Marnie," Jamie said, "Fighting someone who has a track record of killing doesn't seem like a good way of keeping her safe."

"It is," Glenn replied, "trust me when I say this is not a guy you want alive. It's not a guy you want to run into."

The prison came into view, and Sasha mentioned how little walkers were around. Marnie could tell that any worries they had about fighting the governor were slowly being dissolved by the thought of sanctuary in the prison.

"We miss anything?" Glenn asked, stepping out of the car. The woman opened her mouth to say something, but was cut off by the sound of gunshots. Everyone dove to the ground. Jamie pushed Marnie towards the car, shielding her from the oncoming rain of bullets.

They had no ammo. None of their group had ammo. Jamie glared at Glenn, and for a moment, Marnie thought he might kill him for putting her in danger. She looked up and saw Carl stood behind a building, firing his gun past them. Next to him was Carol, and she was doing the same. A prisoner that Marnie recognised as Axel was shooting too, only he got shot moments later.

Jamie pulled himself to his feet before picking Marnie up. He ran towards an open door, the one that Marnie and Glenn had come out of. He practically threw Marnie in before holding it open for Sasha, Ty, and Bear. Marnie was breathing heavily, her hands shaking.

"Did you know about this?" Jamie shouted at Marnie, "did you know this would turn into a fucking gun show."

"Jamie!" Sasha shouted, but Jamie waved his hand at her. Marnie was shocked. She never heard Jamie yell like this. His pupils were wide, almost turning his whole eyes black. Sweat was dripping down his forehead.

"I don't," Marnie said, feeling her lip tremble, "they said fight but I didn't know-"

"And that crazy guy, does he even know we're here?"

"Jamie, I don't know."

Jamie rubbed his eyes. He groaned, and the gunfire began to die down. Marnie looked from Jamie to Sasha, then to Ty and Bear. Bear held his arm out to Marnie, and she walked over, holding onto him.

"How about you show me which cell is yours," Bear said, "I bet it's nice."

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