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eight | ❝everyone's really nice, jay❞

JAMIE WAS ACTING LIKE A child. He was sat on the floor opposite Marnie, waiting for the others to return, not looking at her. Bear had told her that he was just worried about her, is all. And that he didn't want her to be in danger. Marnie knew it was true. She just didn't want him to take it out on her like this.

The familiar voice of Rick grew louder and louder as he walked towards where Marnie was.

"You got a better idea?" Rick questioned.

"Yeah, we should have slid out of here last night and lived to fight another day. But we lost that window, didn't we?" a thick, redneck voice came. Marnie watched as people began flooding in and straight past them, almost ignoring them.

Carl walked over to Marnie. He looked from her, to Jamie, and then back to her. He held his hand out and helped her up, before looking back at the others.

"My dad said you can stay," Carl said, nonchalantly, "you just gotta pull your weight."

"That was the plan all along, kid," Jamie said. Carl squinted his eyes at him, then followed them.

"I'm not a kid." He spat. As Carl was about to walk back towards Rick, Marnie reached out to stop him.

"Who's that?" she asked, pointing to the balding redneck. She hadn't seem him before, and the fact he only had one hand (which had a knife in its place) was unsettling.

"That's Merle," Carl said to Marnie, "He's Daryl's older brother."

She was about to ask Carl who Daryl was, but that question was quickly answered for her. Another redneck voice spoke, this time belonging to a crossbow wielding man with shaggy brown hair.

"We ain't scared of that prick," Daryl said, circling the room from the upper floor balcony.

"Y'all should be," Merle replied, "that truck through the fence thing? That thing ringing the doorbell. We might have some thick walls to hide behind, but he's got the guns and the numbers, and if he takes the high ground around this place, shoot. He could just starve us out if he wanted too."

"Let's put him in the other cell block," Maggie, Beth's sister, said. Her voice was shaking as she said so.

"How did he loose his hand?" Marnie asked Carl. She wasn't sure why she was able to speak to him so easily. It seemed like everything she wanted to say say, she didn't need to second guess. Maybe it was his age.

"My dad kinda made him cut it off," he replied, casually.

"O-oh," Marnie muttered, feeling even more scared of this Rick who she hadn't even met. He hadn't spoken to her since she arrived here the day before, and even now, he hadn't looked at any of her group.

It was Beth that showed the others where they could sleep. Marnie opted to stay where she was instead of bunking with Jamie. If he wanted to be bitter, then so we she. He looked like he wanted to argue this, but just sighed. His cell was only a few feet away, anyway.

Beth gave Marnie a pair of jeans to change into. It was a relief, having somewhat clean clothes. She walked over to Sasha's cell, wanting to change with someone she was comfortable with. As she did so, she caught Thomas looking at her. She stepped out of his view, not saying anything to Sasha. But she decided to keep her knife with her when she slept, too, in future.

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