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nine | ❝Go.To.Hell!❞

TW: implication of SA.

MARNIE HAD SPENT MOST OF the next day observing her new group. Rick had promised to let Marnie continue learning how to shoot, something she was grateful for. He had asked her a few times how she was finding everything. Marnie guessed he was taking an interest in her because of how close she was in age to Carl.

Beth seemed to take a liking to Marnie too. Marnie had guessed that the reasoning for this for similar to that of Carl. Most of the time, Beth was looking after Judith. Marnie was a few years younger than Beth, but it was better than being a baby. At least she could engage in conversation.

She had been doing laps around the prison, trying to paint a picture of it in her head, when she reached the cells. She walked in and looked around, expecting to see Beth and Judith. She didn't. In fact, she didn't see anyone. The fear of being abandoned and alone set in, and turned on her heel

As she did so, she was met with that creepy prisoner with the glasses who had been looking at her since she got here. He was stood with one hand behind his back, and the other by his side. Marnie had her knife tucked in her belt. It was hidden - something she was thankful for.

"How are you doing, Marnie?" he asked, smiling. Marnie wasn't sure whether he was trying to smile creepily, or if it was just his normal smile. Either way, it unsettled her. Given how much she hated speaking, she definitely didn't want to speak to him. She nodded and smiled politely instead.

"Let's be friends, Marnie," Thomas said, stepping towards Marnie.

Marnie tried to keep a level head. She didn't reach for the knife just her. If she did, he would probably try take it, and she had a feeling she would need it.

"Marnie." he said again, raising his eyebrows and pulling out a butchers knife from behind him, "little, Marnie."

"Get away from me!" Marnie forced herself to say. It was then that she realised she was in a prison. She was in a prison.

She stared at Thomas. He was a prisoner. He was locked here for some reason. And now, he was stood in front of her. He was as good as a free man.

"You," he cried, pointing at her with the knife, "are adorable."

Marnie weighed up her options. She was corned like an animal, but she still had her knife. The one thing she hated about this mutism was that even now when she wanted to shout, she just couldn't find it in her. She needed him to come closer if she had a chance at fighting back.

It was as if he read her mind. Thomas lunged forward and knocked Marnie to the floor. Her head smacked against the concrete, and she felt her brain shake.

"Quit struggling, bitch," Thomas snarled. His free hand was around her neck, and Marnie could've sworn she felt something snap. She couldn't breathe. It felt like her throat was being ripped out.

"Go. To. Hell!" she spluttered, feeling her fingers touch her knife. Reaching some more, she grabbed it and drove it up into Thomas' abdomen. He fell backwards, clutching his stomach and grunting in agony.

"You're gonna regret that!" Thomas shouted. He was insane. Deranged. He had been stabbed, but was still intent on hurting her. She felt powerless.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 17 ⏰

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