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prolouge | ❝You know why❞

MARNIE WATCHED Eloise and Bethany play together, dressing and undressing barbie dolls, and acting as if everything is normal. The quietness of the forest was interrupted only by the noise of birds flying above, or the small chatter of the group surrounding her. With that being said, despite the atmosphere around Marnie being a safe one, she didn't want to play with the two girls.

It wasn't because Marnie felt to be too old to play with barbies - her twelfth birthday was just five days prior - that she didn't join in. No, Marnie didn't join in for a reason so plain to see. If Marnie were to join in, then she'd be letting her guard down. She knew that even if she was alert, she couldn't do anything if walkers came, but that didn't mean she wanted to be eaten.

Marnie preferred to sit and watch the two girls laugh and smile, instead. She knew that, of the worst would happen, she would be the one who lived, rather than died. It was grim, but it was their way of living.


Marnie glanced up to see Sasha making her way over to her, the warming smile spread across her face. She Marnie wasn't in the mood to talk, and stayed quiet, smiling as Sasha sat beside her. The sun was beginning to set behind the trees, a beautiful ray of light shining through the branches.

"Why aren't you playing with the other girls?" Sasha asked, kindly. Marnie and Sasha got on well, just like sisters, which was good, because Marnie didn't have any family left in the group. She didn't dwell on that depressing matter, though.

"You know why," Marnie muttered, glaring cautiously over her shoulder, as if worried something might happen. Sasha sighed and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder, knowing full well that this action would do little to nothing to help Marnie's anxiety.

"Marnie, I know you're worried," Sasha started,"but please bear in mind that we'll protect you. You know that, right?"

Marnie rubbed her eyes, then forced a smile, trying to reassure Sasha. "Right."

"It's getting late," Sasha said, watching the sky above. "You should go to bed."

Marnie would protest, knowing that Sasha isn't the boss of her, but she decided that conflict wouldn't be wise, especially in a time like this. Instead, Marnie stood up, shuffling towards a small tent near the fire. She shared this tent with a woman named Jamie, and she too had become like a sister to Marnie. Eloise and Bethany were quickly shooed away by Sam, who was attempting to rail the girls in, but they seemed more keen on hitting the man with barbies than sleeping.

Since the outbreak, Marnie hasn't really felt safe since she's been with this group. But even then, her mind was haunted with the memories of her life before she came across Jamie and Sasha.

She unzipped the tent door, cautiously slipping under the small fabric. Her sleeping bag was in it's usual space, littered with bugs and the coldness of the night. Marnie had become used to this, though, and she was just happen to had somewhere to sleep. The pillow supported Marnie's head as she placed her head against it, trying to close her eyes, but sleep didn't come easily.

Nothing drastic had ever happened at this camp, what with people on watch. She knew that Jamie and Bear were on look out, and she trusted them, but no matter how many times she told herself that she was safe, she still couldn't stop the anxiety.

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