Chapter 3~

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Jungkook's POV

We had finished practise for the day and it was around 6 in the evening, so I had time to go and see if the dancer I saw yesterday was there again today!
Whilst I was changing into a warmer outfit Hoseok walked up to me looking like he was hiding something...
"Jungkook hey..." I notice how he would keep checking if anyone is around making me wonder what's up.
"Hey hyung.. Are you okay..?"
"Huh?! Oh yeah sorry kookie you know I saw you come back to the dorm last night.."
"Yeah.... And..?" *what is he going on about..*
"I saw those presents in your bag.. Is our golden manake being cute and brought his huyngs Christmas presents?!!" Hoseok smiled wide and laughed excitedly.
*ohh no... What have I gotten myself into!*
"Maybe.. I don't know if they where for you guys or not though!"
"Hu hu I wonder what the others are gonna think when they hear you brought us presents!!!" He starts to run off giggling to himself shouting for the boys.
"Wait hung!!" *..He's gone i won't be able to stop him now.At least they are hidden well! Ahh when I get back I'm going to get teased by them...!*
I couldn't help but smile though ahh those hyungs what would I do without them~

I walked out of BigHit accepting my fate back at the dorm and headed to where I saw her yesterday.

Y/n's POV

The sun had begun to set and I was taking a break after about half and hour of dancing, the day had gone pretty well. Some kids had told me I was a great dancer and asked to dance with me! We all had a great time together until they had to leave. But, it was nice to feel normal for for a little bit even if it was just kids wanting to dance with me. That man had gone as well, he stayed for about an hour this time which was better than what I was used to.

As the lights turned on in the streets, everything suddenly transformed around me. Colours of red, blue, green and gold filled the sky as lights where strung from trees to buildings. It felt perfect!
*I hope you can see this sis, it looks so beautiful.* I thought looking up towards the sky made up of stars and sparkling christmas lights. 

Picking myself up I danced letting all my feelings out in that moment. I felt like a fairy who was flying through a field of stars. *Its a happy day today~* I whispered through the music.

Jungkook's POV

I reached the street where I was last night and a smile grew on my face as I heard beautiful music playing, stringed lights lit up the area and everything looked so perfect in that moment, I ran towards the music singing along when I saw her again. She danced differently today, so graceful and full of energy as she twirled and twisted. She looked happy, a beaming smile on her face unlike the one she held last night: a painful smile.
I felt like I could watch her dance forever she was beautiful. *what is your name..?* I was determined to talk to her and to find out where she had learned to dance like that. But, in the back of my mind I still wondered why she is out here, and what happened to her to make her need to dance on the streets, and not in a warm and dry building.

I waited until she had finished and the crowd cleared before I began to walk  towards her.
*why do I feel nervous.. Stop it you can do this!*
"Urm.. Hey I was watching you dance.. Your  really an amazing dancer"
She looked up at me and our eyes met *so pretty*
"Oh hey thank you so much I really appreciate that!" She smiled brightly not a hint on sadness on her face.
"Where did you learn to dance like that?" I asked curiously.
"I.. I never learnt to dance through through a teacher. I used to.. Dance in my room a lot as I listened to my music and I guess I learned that way?" Her eyes flashed with sadness for a brief moment as she looked away from me.
*why does she seem sad when she says that..?*
"Wow.. Well you really have a natural talent. Can I ask whats your name?"
"Thank you, really. And my name is y/n what's your name it seems like you know about dance?"
"My name is Jungkook and yes I'm a dancer as well" I smiled and gestured to sit down next to her, as she nodded I put my bag down and sat down beside her.

Y/n's POV

As he sat down I smiled, this is the first time I have ever spoken to someone my age before this long, I wonder if I will make a friend? *Though I cant imagine he will stay when he knows I live on the streets....*
Looking at his face he was definitely  handsome, his dark brown hair slightly covering his eyes that seemed to sparkle.

We talked for a while outside, I had learned he was a dancer in a group called BTS and I remembered I had heard them being playing on public radios a few times and liked their music. It had begun to get cold when he asked me if i wanted get a coffee with him at a cafe.
*I knew it would happen at some point but Its sad that this 'friendship' will end so quickly..* I thought and sighed.
"What's wrong? Do you not like coffee?" He asked me innocently.
"Its.. Its not that Jungkook its just I don't have enough money.. All I have its what I earned today and..I need it for food tomorrow.." *dammit y/n why do you have to be like this.. Not even be able to get coffee..*
Jungkook was quite for a moment as though he is thinking about what I said. "Y/n do you.. Do you not have somewhere to live?"
"No I don't, well not anymore I live on the streets jungkook...."
I looked up to see a shocked expression on his face which I expected really. But out of nowhere he held me hand giving me a warm smile.
"Let's go have coffee, I'm going to pay for you and you can choose the biggest slice of cake too!! He smiled brightly and pulled me up almost making me scream from shock.
"Are you serious?! You.. You don't hate me?" I spoke nervously.
"No! Why would I hate you y/n your beautiful, kind and an amazing dancer! Now grab your stuff and let's go!!" He grabbed my hand firmly but also making sure he was gentle and began to run pulling me behind.
Laughing I held my belongings under my arm and ran with him, happy to have someone who accepted me even after knowing my situation.
"This is the beat day ever!!" I shouted looking up into the sky as sparkling lights shone above us.

Heyaa :D
Jungkook and Y/n met!!
This chapter was a long one so I hope you like it!
P.s never write with emotional songs playing in your headphones I was listening to BTS: Butterfly and 2!3! Near the end and ahh!
Anyway thank you for reading and happy new year!! :)

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