Chapter 11

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(Little warning for this chapter its quite dark and there is violence for anyone who doesn't want to read that stuff)

Y/n's POV

"Huh? Where am I..?"
I woke up surrounded by darkness, my head pounding and my vision hazy.
Sitting up I swirled my hands across the ground surrounding me making sure it was safe to get up.
*Where did the boys go, I was just with them.. Wasnt I?*
Shaking me head in confusion I stood up and began to search around the darkness to see if there was anything around here.
"Hello? HELLOO?" I shouted out only to hear no reply.
After a while of searching I gave up, trying to hold in my tears.
*how did I get here, what is this place.*
About to completely give up and lay down I glanced out at the darkness only to see the outlines of a man.
*what the hell.. Who is that?!*
I scrambled away from the man until I bumped into something, spinning my head to see the man again. His glowing silver eyes right in front of me.
Screaming I tried to move away but his large hands held onto me trapping me in under his grip.
"Your.. Y-your the m-an..who's been              f-following m-e.."
A deep chuckled echoed around me filling my head.
"I've been watching you for so long and now I finally have you baby girl!" A smile plastered across his face. Tears pricked my eyes again as I tried to get away from him but he only pulled me into him and flung me over his shoulder.
"Your mine now y/n. That little Jungkook can't do anything about it."
"Nooo!!" I screamed kicking and punching him.
Suddenly the man dissolved and I fell to the ground only to look back up and see my parents looking down on me. Evil grins plastered across their faces.
"Hello again y/n"
"We've missed you SO much"
I tried to reply only to get a kick to my stomach. I scrunched up in pain, crying out only to be kicked on my hands which where trying to shield my body.
"Huh, maybe we didn't miss you that much after all!" my mother laughed punching my cheek.
"You waste of space I wish you hadn't been born" my father replied hitting me.
"Just die already" he continued, only anger lacing his voice.
I cried as the kicking and punching never seemed like it would end. Curling into myself as much as possible, to try and shield myself.
*I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm sorry. Its all my fault. I'm so sorry.*

"Don't be sorry little bunny."
My head flung up to see Jungkook holding out his arm for me to take. Crying I reached out being pulled up into his chest.
"Shh your safe now, I've got you y/n. I'll protect you." I could feel his gentle hand patting my head, the other placed on my back, his thumb making circles across it.
"I'm sorry Jungkook.."
"Shhh you haven't done anything wrong little bunny, its not your fault. They were bad people. You didn't deserve it and you shouldn't have gone through that at all. But its okay now, you have me and the boys.
I turned my head to see the rest of the boys standing and smiling at us. Taehyung and Jimin messing about. I cried again hiding my head in Jungkook's chest his warmth making me sleepy.
"Thank you.. Kookie."
As I feel asleep I could hear him mumble something that I couldn't quite hear.

I woke up surrounded by worried faces, a tear slipping down my cheek realising it was all a dream.
"Are you okay??!"
"What happened to you?!"
"I just saw you fall and-"

"I was so scared y/n! You can't do that to us!" I heard Jungkook shout over the rest of the boy's questions. Through the crowd of heads I could see Jungkook, his face and eyes red as though he had been crying.
"I- I'm okay now.. I think. Sorry."
"Don't say sorry y/n you didn't mean to you just scared us." I stared back at Jungkook in shock thinking about the dream again."
"Oh sh*it don't look at me!" We all laughed as Jungkook turned away wiping his face.
*Did he really cry.. For me?*
I could see the others all silently wiping their eyes around me.
Namjoon smiled "Come on guys, let's go home for today. I bought pancakes yesterday."
All the boys including me smiled at that and everyone began to leave my side and pack their things.
The only one left standing was.. Jungkook.
I smiled sadly at him as he walked over to me taking me by surprise he hugged me tightly, tucking his head in my neck.
"I was so scared y/n, I didn't know what was happening to you." He whispered, the vibrations tickling my neck.
I smiled hugging him back, "Thank you"
"For what?" He looked up into my eyes.
"For saving me. Inside the dream.. And in real life." I smiled at his awkwardness as he didn't know what to reply.
"Your okay now, right y/n?"
"I am with you guys."
He smiled, happy with my answer and pulled me up so I was standing as he took my hand leading me out of the room.
"Let's go home y/n."
I smiled, skipping with his hand held in mine making him laugh and skip with me playfully.
"Let's go home!!" I shouted.

I'm proud of myself for updating so quickly and its a longer chapter horray! 😂
Hope you liked it, I realise it was quite dark this time so I hope it was okay 😊
Please comment and vote!
Byeeeee 😘
P.s I have to write 2 essays today.. 😫

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