Chapter 5~

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Jungkook's POV

"My parents abused me when I was a kid before leaving me one day in the middle of a city I didn't know."
My heart stopped. *How could anyone, especially her parents treat such a caring girl so horribly!? She must have been through so much and has had to keep it hidden inside all this time.*
"When did his happen..?" I spoke up nervously trying to get the words out.
She thought for a moment "Well they left me.. Coming up to a year ago now? But the abuse started when I was around 8 years old."
It was weird.. She said it as if it was a normal thing.
"Your sorry? Don't worry, I've heard that before. But saying sorry will be the last thing u say, like always. All my friends would say the feel sorry for me and that they care about me but they all end up leaving. One. By. one."
She looked down for a moment tucking her head into her chest, I could see her trying to hide her tears as she wiped them away from her cheek.
She didn't move from her position but mumbled "Just say it. Let's get it over with. You hate me, I leave and that's the end of it all.."
"I don't hate you y/n. You've clearly been through a lot of pain in your life and you've had to cope through it all. It may sound like lies to you but I want to be a friend to you and I'm not going to leave like the others."
She watched me in shock.
"Your lying.."
"No. No y/n I'm not.. It may sound strange considering I've only known you for 2 hours and yet I'm saying this. Trust me it sounds weird to me too." Chuckling I continued "Y/n can.. Can we be friends??" I asked nervously.
I looked over to her and could see her trying to take it all in. Tapping her finger on the table she slowly picked her head up. "Okay.. Just promise me one thing, you said you wouldn't leave like the others right? Well please don't break that promise Jungkook."
I couldn't help but smile, raising my hand I stuck out my pinky finger, y/n scrunched up her face in confusion. Laughing a little I raised my hand again.
"Pinky promise y/n?"
"Ohh sorry I didn't realise!" She stuck out her hand and we linked fingers promising on our friendship.
*wait does she have a place to sleep..?*
I had nearly forgotten that she lived on the streets.
"Y/n do you have a place to stay tonight?"
"Wanna stay at mine? I wouldn't do anything I promise I just don't want to leave you out in the cold again"
"Hmm okay kookie but if you do anything your going to have to face the deadly pillow attack!!" She burst out into laughter at what she said holding her stomach from the pain.
*kookie...?? Did she give me a nickname?!*
"What did you call me y/n....??" A smile creeping on my face.
"Urm..kookie?" She looked at me nervously. "I just though it would be okay, you know to give you a nickname.. I know we just met and all but-"
"Y/n its okay its okay! I like it! No one but the hyungs have ever given me a nickname before so please don't change it."
We both smiled at each other *I'm so glad that I went to talk to her today*
"So y/n, shall we get going? Its getting pretty late now."
Getting up from my seat I could see her looking worried and mumbling to herself.
"Hey, y/n. Nothing will happen I promise not going to hurt you."
Her eyes looked up into mine, shining in the lights of the cafe. Even though there was still worry in her eyes she nodded and smiled at me.
"Okay kookie I trust you, let's go."
"Let's go home y/n."

Hey! Sorry I'm back~
I was doing all my exams over the last 2 weeks so I have only just got this chapter finished! Im so glad people have been reading and enjoying my story :D also I apologise for the slow start from from on the story is going to have a faster pace so that things are going to start happening xD
Thank you everyone byee!!! <3

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