chapter 13

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"Its was nothing I don't see why you are so mad at me about it."
I tried grabbing onto Jungkook's shirt to stop him from walking away from me... again.
"I'm not mad at you, don't know what your talking about." Jungkook said angered by my constant protesting.
Ever since he saw me and jimin messing about earlier he's been ignoring me and I was fed up of it. I watched as his walk came to a stop as I pulled against his shirt, letting out a huff of frustration he turned to me his eyes instantly avoiding me.
"Your angry at me"
"No I'm not."
I chuckled. "You aren't the best liar kookie"
He rolled his eyes at my nickname effortlessly taking my grip on his shirt off and beginning to walk away again.
I could see how the sunlight outlined his figure while he walked down the narrow hallway. The light seeping into my eyes making me close them, only to hear the sound of a door shutting and an empty corridor when my eyes had adjusted.
"You are angry, and I'm going find out why" I whispered to myself.

Half an hour later I had a box of cookies stolen from Jin's secret stash, a hot chocolate with melting marshmallows overflowing the mug and I set of movies Taehyung had let me borrow.
*I hope this works!*
Tip towing across the hallway, catching the last light of the sun through the balcony doors, I came to his room.
"Well here goes nothing.." I released the breath I was holding before slowly raising my remaining hand to the door, gently knocking twice.
"Who is it?" I heard his deep voice calling from inside.
"I-its me" I replied trying to sound confident but failing.
I never liked fights and I didn't want to have one now, especially with Jungkook.
I heard a sigh and the sound of footsteps heading towards me but, when the door was opened slightly no light came from inside.
*He was sitting in the dark?*
"Come back later, I'm not in the mood" he spoke, his deep voice cracking and a sniff coming from figure behind the door.
*He.. hasn't been crying has he?*
So many thoughts spun in my head wanting answers that I forgot to speak.
"Well I guess I will be going then-
"No wait! I- I have hot chocate and cookies.. For an apology.... Though I don't really know what I did wrong" you could bearly hear the last part as Jungkook face came into view his eyes slightly puffy and red.
"Why where you crying. Was it me? Please just tell me what I did wrong I just became comfortable with everyone... If your gonna tell me to leave just say it, don't ignore me.."
*I don't want to be ignored anymore*
My hands suddenly became lighter and before I even had the chance to realise why I was embraced into a hug my face hitting the chest of Jungkook as his arms wrapped tightly around me.
"Stop saying that y/n, we aren't going to the you to leave okay?" He told me.
"Then why are you mad at me.. And at Jimin" I mumbled into his chest.
I felt vibrations from his chest as he laughed. Wait laughed?
"Your laughing?" I looked up at him confusion only for Jungkook to rest his head on my shoulder so that I couldn't see him.
"Its a secret, and I'm not mad at you I was just.. Upset" he seemed unsure in his answer.
"Your not telling me something are you."
"Maybe I'll tell you one day"
"Sooo... Your not gonna avoid me anymore?" I said hope rising.
Chuckling again he replied "I guess not.
Come on, let's get some cookies anyway these look yummy! Oooh and you brought movies! We are watching this one I loveee itt!"
*I'm so confused*
I saw Jungkook take a cookie and begin to eat it, putting the tray of things down on a table before turning back to me.
"Your fricking weird you know" I said walking over to him and grabbing the cookie out of his hand and eating it.
"Yah! You little..."
He grabbed me making me scream as chucked me on his bed before falling onto me and squishing me.
"Heyyy! Its just a damn cookie get over it man!"
"Well guess they are all mine nowww" he pouted looking down into my eyes.
"Noooo!" I shouted back trying to shove him off.
"Yessss! Mmm yum too bad they aren't yoursss" he teased as he still leaned on me looking back with a playful smirk.
"Just put on the damn film and get off of me" I huffed kicking him off of me and laughing not being able to hold the seriousness anymore.
"Maybe I don't want too"
I looked back at him bored.
"Get off of me kookie."
"Yes mam"

Jungkook's POV

She slept in the most awkward of positions.
I chuckled to myself as I looked at y/n who was sleeping spread out across the entire bed, including me.
I couldn't hold back the smile on my face as I turned of the tv which was still playing, only half way through the film, and gently held y/n in my arms bridle style.
"I swear you have a habit of falling asleep in random places" I spoke to myself remembering the time she fell asleep on the sofa.
Carrying her across to her room I could feel her turning so that she was facing my chest. I pulled the door leading to her room which until she arrived had been a spare bedroom but used for storage.
Looking around to see the bed i carefully lifted the silky burgundy sheets allowing myself to slowly lean down onto the bed with y/n still clutching onto my waist. Fluffy pillows where spread neatly across the bed and I watched as she relaxed into them. I couldn't contain the smile on my face as she mumbled in her sleep and curled into the blankets.
"Sleep tight beautiful"
Sitting on the edge of the bed silence consumed the room, the only sounds coming from her soft and steady breathing.
"What am I gonna do.. I know I like you but.."
*There's no way she would like me back.. I'm an idol after all.. Nobody likes dating idols, our lifestyles only cause trouble for them..*
Sighing I brushed a few strands of hair from y/n's face.
"Your so beautiful you know that?"
As she began to stir I jumped off the bedside and began to close the equally silky curtains humming Paper hearts by Tori Kelly.
"Pictures I'm living through for now
trying to remember all the good times..."
I whisper sung as I walked back over to the door.
Casting a glance back at y/n I saw her sleeping peacefully curled up into her blankets. A strand of hair running across her face where she had moved again.
My smile faded and my hand released the grip on the door handle remembering Jimin and y/n playing together earlier.
*she would definitely fall for him..*
With a heavy sigh I found myself walking back over to y/n.
"I can't help what I'm feeling.. But I guess in the end it will be all up to you huh y/n?"
I leaned down and gently kissed her forehead trying not to wake her.
"Don't go having nightmares when I'm not there to protect you okay?"
Trying to smile I brushed of the hair from her face once again and pushed myself up, a talking a last glance to make sure she was still asleep I closed the door stepping into my own room and curling up into the duvet.
"Why do I always have to make things so much harder for myself..."
Closing my eyes I drifted off into a deep sleep trying to think of happier things.

Y/n's POV.

It felt as though someone has kissed my forehead and before I had managed to open my eyes properly I heard a door close realising I was in my new room that the boys had given me.
"Who was that...?"
My hand glided up to touch my forehead and I felt my cheeks heat up at the thought of Jungkook kissing me.
"Y/n stop! He would never like you he's an idol and your just, you.."
*It was probably one of the others.. Jimin maybe. Stop over thinking.*
Sighing I wrapped myself back up into the blanket feeling sleep surround me once more..

New updattee horrayyyy!!
Sorry it took me a bit longer and I completely forgot to upload this the other day when I said I would so SORRY!!
Thanks so much for reading as always please like and comment!
Byeee 💕

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