Chapter 7~

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(Long chapter hope you enjoyyyy 🙌
3 POV's oohh 😋 sorry for any mistakes!)

Jungkook's POV

"Look at her though, isn't she cute!"
"Yah Tae stop poking her!"
"Aww okayyyy."
Tae pouted childishly as he moved slightly away from the sleeping person on our sofa.
"What are we gonna do?!" Hobi whispered.
"We can't just leave her out here she will get cold" Jin replied looking towards me.
"Well.. Jungkook? She's your friend I assume you don't want one of those boys to look after her." I looked up to see both Jimin and Taehyung giggling over in the corner by her, poking her and trying to wake her up.
"Hey what did I say, let her sleep!" I whisper shouted.
Yoongi came out from back of the group and dragged them back away from her. "Will you two quit it I want to sleep." He said groggily.
"Guys I'm sure Jungkook can look after her come on let's leave them be and sleep" he continued.
"Sounds like a good idea to me, night guys" namjoon replied as he began to walk away with Yoongi.
"Yeah.. Let's go sleep good luck kookie!!"
"Good luck!" Both jimin and taehyung said as they whispered and laughed as they walked away.
I began to feel nervous, I didn't know what to do! Giving a pleading look at Jin and Hobi hoping that they would help out I instead got a smile from them and a pat on my shoulder as the two went to their rooms as well a good luck being called out while I watched them all leave me not knowing what to do.
*Why do they have to be like this.. What am I meant to do!*  
Sighing I turned round to face y/n who was happily sleeping curled up on the sofa innocently. I couldn't help the smile as I sat down gently at the sofa trying not to wake her up. She looked so peaceful. Her hair falling gently across her face, the sound of her breaths being the only thing in the room. Her legs curled up into her to try and keep out the cold.
"How can someone be so beautiful even when they are asleep?" I whispered to myself hoping the others had gone to sleep already and wouldn't hear me.
Before I realised what I was doing I found myself gently moving the few strands of hair covering her face, her lips slowly parting in her sleep. I couldn't help but stare.
"Aish stop it!" I whispered to myself.
Carefully standing up I walked down the hall to a cupboard taking out a few blankets and placing then gently over y/n so that she wouldn't get cold. As I began to turn a few lights off around the house so that the living room was almost completely dark for her i went over to her a final time ready to go to my own room.
"Good night y/n" I whispered leaning down and pulling the blankets up to cover her more.
However as I began to walk towards my room I could her a soft voice from behind me causing me to turn back around and look at y/n.
"Dad, mum.." .... "Don't leave me." ...
"I don't want to be alone.. I'm scared."
*Is she having a nightmare?*
I slowly walked back over trying to let her know that it was just a nightmare and it was all okay but she just kept repeating it over and over. Sighing I sat down next to her stroking her hair with my hand to sooth her.
"Stay with me.." She spoke in her sleep once more.
"Its okay y/n I'm not going to leave you. Sleep now, your safe."
I gently panted her head as soft breathing took over again letting me know she was asleep.
Taking another blanket I pulled it over me ready to sleep next to her so she wouldn't be alone.
"I'm here." I reached over and kissed her forehead before lying back on the sofa and going to sleep.

Taehyung's POV

"Yah jimin"
"You ready? I think everyone's asleep!"
Jimin was suddenly at my side holding the camera to his chest.
"Hehe let's do this taetae!"
I slowly opened our bedroom door careful not to make any sound as we tiptoed down the hall like ningas.
"Hold up!" Jimin stuck out his hand in front of me making  me give him a confused look.
"What is it jiminie?"
"your not gonna believe this! This is so cuteee!!" Its even better than we imagined!" Jimin giggled motioning for me to look.
I crouched down peering my head round the corridor corner to see y/n and Jungkook sleeping on the sofa together; Jungkook's  arm placed gently on y/n's head in his sleep as he leaned back into the sofa completely asleep.
"Let's get a picture if them now jimin!"
Sneaking towards them you could hear the sound of the camera go off and light fill the room.
"Sh*t"  Jimin mumbled.
We watched scared as both people began to wake up. Pushing and giggling as we ran back to our room to hide.
"That was so close!!" We both laughed at eachother.
"Idiot leaving the flash on!"  I punched him playfully as I walked to bed.
"If they saw us it was you and hobi not me! I whispered to jimin.
"As if you can get out of this now" jimin laughed. "Their reactions are going to be so funny!!"
" I know!" We both laughed as we fell asleep.

Y/n's POV

I woke up with a flash of light filling the room, I swear I could hear people talking but ignored it thinking it was my imagination. Looking down I could see blankets surrounding me, realising I was in the living room I began  wonder what time it was as I remember falling asleep waiting for the boys. Getting up I could feel an arm drooped around me making me look over to see Jungkook at the other end of the sofa. A smile immediately on my face with out me even realising it, at the sight of him.
His head was draped over the back of the sofa, his mouth hanging open and legs wide open.
He began to wake up as I tapped him and I could see him looking over at me half asleep.
"Y/n..? What's wrong?" He asked sleepily.
Giggling to myself I watched as he sat up waiting for my answer.
"Nothing I'm fine, I just woke up. When did you get here?"
"About 2 hours ago?" He replied seeing his watch on the table.
*I feel asleep for that long?!!* I silently cursed myself for not waking up earlier.
"Sorry you had to deal with me being stupid and falling asleep for so long." I laughed awkwardly scratching at the back of my neck.
"Its fine y/n, I'm happy that your comfortable here."
"Thanks Kookie."
I began to walk towards the balcony opening the curtains to see an ocean of stars filling the nights sky.
"So prettyy." I whispered to myself.
"It is." I turned to see Jungkook standing next to me putting a blanket over me.
"Stay warm though y/n you don't want to get a cold" he smiled at me before looking at the sky once more.
" Thanks..." I replied shyly, wrapping it around me further. "But what about you?" I realised seeing that he had no blanket around him.
" I'll be alright" he replied.
"Nope! Not allowed Mr. Dont get a cold!" I laughed sharing the blanket over both me and him.
He laughed deeply pulling me closer to him suddenly making me blush.
"There now I'm defiantly warm" he chuckled.
Pouting I punched his arm. "You.. You ."
Laughing he looked back up at the sky with his arm still around my waist.
"The sky is such a beautiful thing isn't it? My mum used to say to me: " always look up at the sky, because one day you may need to make an important wish. That's why there are so many stars. Each star is a wish that someone made when they most needed it Jungkook. Save your wish for when you most need it."
"I always believed that y/n, and now I always find myself seeing new stars every night. I just hope that those wishes came true for the people who made them and that everyone in their life is safe and well."
I listened carefully as he spoke.
" Let's save our wishes Jungkook. One day our stars will be up in the sky as well" I said looking at him.
He looked at me a glint of sadness in his eyes, but also hope. As he wrapped his  arms around me pulling me into a hug.
" I hope our stars will be happy wishes."

I can't believe the story has got over 60 reads I never thought it would!
Please comment what you think though I would love some feedback and please give me any ideas if you have any I would love to hear them!!
I'm so SO sorry for taking so long to update! I worte this chapter twice because I didn't like the first version!
I really hope you all like it and thank you so much to @zozohlomes and @btsforeveryoung97 for following me it made me super super happy you have know idea!
Byeee! 💕

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