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"Sick of all these people talking. // Sick of all this noise. // Tired of all these cameras flashing. // Tired of being poised." - Halsey 'Castle'

The scavengers got back around three in the afternoon, and I have to say that it was the longest car ride Rick and I ever had back. The car was filled with silence. Rick was in the front, I was in the back clutching my bow and arrows. I stared to my left and watched the trees pass by, occasionally a walker here and there. I knew Rick kept glancing at me, but I didn't want to give him the leisure of seeing me look at him. 

We brought along four vehicles, all of which were loaded down with supplies but ours. It was just Rick and I in the leading car. Once he parked the car and got out, I opened my door, and placed a foot out, grabbing my bow. I stood and fixed the box and arrows on my back just as they were accustomed to. Rick stood slowly and glared at me. "I'll be in my house," I snarled as I started making my way past Rick only to have him grip my forearm harshly. 

"We're going to mine. We need to have a talk." I peered up at him only to see him give a nod to the rest of the gang. Maggie ran up to Glenn, hugging him tightly. Jesus helped Sasha and Abraham carry weapons while Aaron and Enid inlisted Carl's help to carry some supplies. The other people of Alexandria walked around, some staying put at the gate, others staying put at their watch posts.  Rick quickly dragged me off to his house, not letting his grip loosen. 

Someone was on their man period. Aw, damn. Wish I would've known, I would've looked for some pads and tampons, my mind snarked causing me to chuckle. Rick just gripped my arm and dragged me faster. 

"What the hell is your deal," he yelled as he shoved me inside his house. "You're getting out of control." I tripped on a rug and fell on my face. I'm the one out of control?  When I stood up, Rick was right there to shove me to his couch. He gave me his signature stink-eye glare, trying to make me submit. 

I leant closer to his face until our noses were barely touching. I could see how nervous this made him, and not in a fear way. In a sexual one. "Boo," I yelled as he jumped back slightly. I smirked, leaning back against the seat. My arms folded across my chest as he grabbed me by the chin. 

"You stepped out of line," Rick whispered to my face, his breath filling my nostrils, burning them. His ragged blue shirt has holes, from being out in the world for so long I presume. "I can't have that anymore." I chuckled and spat in his face. He let go of me quickly. 

I wiped my mouth. "What are you going to do then? Throw me out?"Rick didn't answer as he walked towards his kitchen. "Well go ahead. Toss me out. Throw away your used trash. Dump me like an unwanted animal. But I'll tell you what, you'll never get rid of me. I've been trying to get rid of myself for years just to please you." Rick walked back over to me and huffed. "I notice how you do me, Rick. And it's because of that one stupid night. You regret it. You weren't over Lori, and you were drunk and you used me." I knew those words stung him because he grabbed me by my neck roughly. I chuckled through the pain. 

He had tears starting to form in his eyes as he pulled his revolver out and placed it to the side of my head. At last, I yelled in my mind. My eyes begged him to pull the trigger, but before he could Michonne walked in the front door. "Rick?" He looked over at her, rocking back and forth as he contemplated whether or not to shoot me. I never broke my gaze with the man that used me three short years ago. I flared my nostrils, my lip quivering. "Rick, let her go," she said calmly as she slowly made her way over to us. Rick dropped me and I fell to the ground before he pistol whipped me. 

By the time I finally awoke it was dark outside. My head was pounding from where Ricks pistol had collided. I felt a bandage on my head but I didn't want to touch it. I knew too well that it would hurt ten times worse. Instead, I sat up in my bed and pushed the covers violently off of my body. It was too damn hot in this house to be under all that cover. As I walked out of my bedroom my glances caught my reflection in the mirror. There was a small bandage over my forehead which I quickly ripped off to reveal a nasty scar and bruising. There was a cut on my bottom lip from earlier. My eyes were still the same dark greyish blue colour they have always been. My dark brown hair was in braids down the back of my head. I hadn't realised what I was wearing, however. My slim figure was in my tight skinny jeans and my favourite cami coloured dark blue. My black leather jacket was laying on the floor in front of the mirror, waiting for me to pick it up. I didn't, though. Instead, I grabbed my bow and arrows leaning against the wall and headed to my post for my watch shift. 

I hadn't had watch shift in a long time, haven't since Glenn finally made his way back to us after we thought he was dead. By then Maggie revealed she was pregnant. I can tell she's hiding something though, something bad. Something that might concern her and the baby. "I hope I'm not correct," I muttered under my breath as I climbed the ladder to the post. I looked up to see Maggie holding her stomach, her face scrunched in pain. "Maggie? Maggie, are you all right?"

She jumped a slight bit, turning too sharp. "Oh, Ravana. Hey, I didn't realise my shift was over. Thanks for relieving me." She gave me a quick smile, her southern accent still as thick as the day we met. "I'm okay. I'm going to be okay." I gave her a small but hesitant nod. I took her place quickly, making sure Alexandria was safe was one of my top priorities. My eyes gazed throughout all I could see over the fence. Crickets could be heard in the distance, even some toads from a nearby undiscovered water source. Twigs could be heard snapping, throaty growls from walkers trying to find their way through the dark of night. 

I wasn't aware of what time it was but I knew I had been here for a couple hours. I was starting to get drowsy and nodding off when something hit the fence. It had to have been a rock, but whatever it was I jumped and I quickly got my bow ready in aim position. "Who's there?" I called out into the darkness of night. "Show yourself," I demanded as I drew back farther. My eyes searched for whatever it was that threw the rock, but I couldn't find it; until something moved right in front of my eyes. It dipped below the top of the trees and I released my arrow, having it miss. I heard it thunk against a tree trunk, but I quickly reloaded and aimed for a target. It was a deep laughter, one I didn't recognise, but then it quickly disappeared. 

I was on high for the last hour of my shift. Once the sun was up and there was light in the sky, I was off duty. My legs carried me over to the gate, only to meet Father Gabriel without his suit jacket on, leaving him in his white button-down and suit pants. "Good morning, Ravana. How are you today?" I gave him a friendly smile as I peered out of the screen and out into the wilderness where I was just watching over. 

"I'm doing well, Father Gabriel. How are you on this beautiful morning?" He told me he was doing well, but that there was no time for chit chat. Father Gabriel was off to the little chapel to pray and read the bible. It had been about five minutes and I was walking back to my house when Enid called me over frantically from Maggie's house. My heart dropped as I ran, drawing my bow and an arrow for protection. 

Once I got in I saw Maggie on the floor crying in pain. "Please, we have to help her! We can't let her die!" I looked up at Enid and then down to Maggie who was squeezing her eyes shut, clenching her stomach closely. Hilltop was the closest place we had that could have a doctor. I bit my lip as I set my bow on the table and reached down for Maggie's face. "Enid," I stated boldly, not breaking eye contact with Maggie. "Go get Rick, tell him Ravana said Hilltop." Enid just stood there with a blank expression. "Now, Enid," I yelled. "or else our friend is going to die. Her and her baby." Enid jumped and ran to find Rick, I however never let go of poor Maggie's hand. "Hey, shhh. It'll be okay. I'm right here." I tried calming her down, helping her relax was best for the baby.

But what I was afraid of what that she had already lost the baby. 

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