Awoken by blood

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Kaneki awoke to the smell of blood. It was a delicious smell but as soon as he sat up he relisied that he was no longer in Tokyo, but in America.Kaneki quickly got to his feet and ran to the smell only to find what looked like agents of some sorts shooting a giant green man? 'What the... am i in some sort of movie.' Kaneki grabbed his mask and strapped it on his face.

Kaneki released his kagune and effortlessly climbed the nearest building to get a better view.'Should I help them, they could be a American CCG. Even if I do their probably recognise me or see me as a threat."

"You there, evaluate the area, the Hulk is on a rampage."

Kaneki slowly turned his head around with a slightly annoyed face.

"I said get out of here!"

Kaneki didn't know what this man was saying but he looked pissed, whoever this man was he looked like he was in charge of the agents, he also wore a eye patch, it was black like his clothes. 'Better get out of his way, I'm clearly not wanted here'. Kaneki went away into the shadows leaving a confused, pissed and stressed man alone on the roof top.

"Damn cosplayers, putting themselves in danger. When will they learn".

'I should find a place to stay the night and get money, clothes and work on my English as well as getting a new identity.' Kaneki sighed and looked for some old unused buildings.

"This should work for some time, as long as people don't come here to rave".

Kaneki grabbed a old wooden chair and sat on it, shutting his eyes as he drifted into his world of black and white.

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