The only lead is....

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"Your main objective is to discover who murdered John Cartner or what. You have a week. Don't screw this up and try not to let people recognise you." Nick narrowed his eyes on to Iron man who responded with "piece of cake".Kaneki, still slightly shaken up from Captain America, sat quietly in thought. 'If there is a ghoul here I need to find the ghoul in charge and see if I can smell any ghouls around. What should I do if it is a ghoul and releases their kagune near them?'Kaneki clenched his right fist.'Will I have to reveal my kagune or worse kill him or her?'

Kaneki deep in thought did not notice a arm sneak around his back until he was shoved by Captain America."What are doing daydreaming like that, if you do that on the field your as good as dead. You don't have to read so deep into the mission ok. It's like where's Wally but more people that move and....." Cap went quite for a few which only confused Kaneki more than he was already."Ok on second thought it's not but still you get the point."Captain America said with a smile.

The jet landed on a building."Looks like we are here, let's go eyepatch." Cap said more serious than he was a second a ago. "Ok." Captain America,Iron man,Thor and everyone else got off. A lady stood in front of them taking in everyones  detail which only Captain America and Kaneki noticed."Hello everyone, you should all know what your doing here but there is one thing Nick has not told you about.The women sighed and chuckled a bit,"always was making my life harder that one eyed bastard."She looked back up with a slight smile."unfortunately you all have to go under cover with fake names and will have to stay in different locations known to be  dangerous.We have one lead to this killer.'so it was a person not some animal.' Kaneki thought.

"The killer was a small girl no older than 16."


Who could it be??? It's probably pretty obvious but you know...
Also if this was posted on 1st of may or something I probably live in a different time zone to you. But there you go a cliff hanger also for the people who have kept reading this and waiting for the next update you are awesome. Its really nice to people like this mess I call a crossover.  ;)

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