The killer is....

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Kaneki got to his room and was surprised to see clean bed, furniture and kitchen. 'Dangerous my ass, this looks like a 3 star 4 star at least. I didn't even run in to anybody.' Kaneki took his hoodie off and memorized his fake ID card, Kaneki looked at it shocked then confused then annoyed. 'Bill claw. Why am I Bill why couldn't be called something else like Sebastian or richard.' Kaneki put the card on a table and decided to have a cup of coffee or 2 before walking around town. 'It would be for the best to know the streets and buildings in case of any escapes. I mean with just my luck I'll find the killer and be stabbed by her tonight.' Kaneki grabbed his hoodie about 10 minutes after his coffee and walked down the staircase like he did half an hour a ago.

Kaneki walked out in the night with his hoodie up looking at the biggest and rememberable buildings around his area. Kaneki was out for half an hour when he decided to go back and when he saw a girl in a hoodie.'What on earth is she doing out at a time like this?!' Kaneki was just about to walk up to her when he saw her go down a alleyway.'Does she have a death wish!?'Kaneki quickly but quietly followed her on a roof top to avoid being spotted. Kaneki saw the man approach her and what she did. He watched her eat him and cry while filling her pockets with food. 'so I was correct in my theory, to bad i couldn't see her kagune that's if she used it, it's to dark. I can't even smell her I just smell that pervert.' Kaneki glared at the body.

Kaneki followed her to her home and made a mental note. He returned home for some well deserved shut eye.


Guys I give up. I can't write anymore idk what to write.
If anyone whishes to use this idea then I give you permission but please put my name somewhere on it or something and don't just copy and paste and stick your name on it saying you came up with it you know change it up a little.

Most of my work now will probably be Danny Phantom or something with it. Its been nice knowing you guys have enjoyed this but who knows I might come up with something for the story in a few months (don't quote me on that).


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