Through her eyes.

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She opened her eyes, confused and hungry. She sat up right and took in her surroundings, she stood up remembering her mother, father and their smile. The happier times. Her tummy grumbled her eyes widened slightly. 'Why now, I thought I was stronger than this.' she sighed.'We knew this would happen sooner or later and food wouldn't be given to me on a sliver plater anymore.' "I'll do what I must to survive, it's ok to do what is needed." She said to reassure herself. With a deep breath in and out she walked out of the old factory she called a home.

She walked in dead of night with a cold breeze guiding her way through unknown territory, to then suddenly stop. 'Early twenties, male.'She followed him down a alley to stop halfway."What am I doing out here... I can't do this." She said to her self filled with slight anger that she couldn't do it as the walked away. She was unaware of man behind her."Hey there little girl, looking for some fun, if so do you want to play with me?" She stopped breathing and looked at the man in the man in the corner of her eye. Her eyes widened and clenched her hands into fist ready to fight. "No!"She was ready to run only to be stopped by a hand grabbing her hoodie. "I like dresses, their so much easier to take of,hehe what a pretty face."He said with a smirk growing on his face, reaching for her neck. She acted quickly and punched the man threw his chest letting him drop to the ground."oh god...I didn-..I...I...".'Calm down clam down calm down.' She walked towards the body and started to eat it.She ate quick only to when she realised she had been crying.'You don't have time! Suck it up, your a big girl now.' she continued and saved some in the hoodie which she had not bothered to put back on. 'No time to hide the body just run, run, RUN!'

When she got back to her 'home' she quickly took a picture from a broken mirror. She looked at it and cried. She looked at herself and back the picture."I sorry big brother, big sister.If it weren't for you sis he would have grabbed me."She said as she looked at her hoodie.'why am I here, why is there no other ghouls?'She smashed the mirror into smaller pieces."Why can't I find anteiku!?" She yelled as she cried on the floor, crying till she fell asleep.

Hello I'm still alive and well. I was thinking of just leaving this story but I thought I better give you one more chapter if I decided to. I am thinking of doing other fanfics on certain cartoons/shows and I will be putting up a vote for all my ideas.That is if any of you guys still care about it you know.

The next chapter will be called Cravendale, it's not the story ok just facts about me you know, I got the idea because jnnhilgn tagged me like an hour ago or something. If you are wondering why it's called Cravendale it's one of things my friends call, if you know then your awesome and have great memory thats if I ever said or put somewhere.

P.S. I checked nothing....😏

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