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Kaneki was completely nervous, 'teammates what the hell!' Kaneki stared at his new boss? Was he really the boss or some higher up on shield?

"Follow me."Nick said in a strong masculine voice.

'He can be very intimidating when he wants to be' Kaneki thought slightly annoyed. 'I have the feeling I won't get to read much.'

"Let me just put my mask on Nick Fury sir".

'Don't want to piss him off he knows my habits and could blackmail me. I could always chain him up and tear off his fingers and to-, wait what no your just hungry and like he said. 'Eyes everywhere', people would probably know I'm here play it cool and be unreadable.' Kaneki turned around and took off his eyepatch and put his mask on leaving his eyepatch in his back pocket. 'Don't want to lose it.' Kaneki turned around to face Nick and with a creepy, crazy voice (due to his mask giving him that effect you know) he said "After you sir."

Nick said nothing and started to walk untill they end up on the helicarrier for multiple other transportations. Kaneki was a bit disappointed that he was still wearing normal clothes. 'How is a blue hoodie gonna show how serious and mature I am, it looks like I'm a lazy kid who going through 'bring your kid to work day' sort of stuff.'

"Ken we have a suit which will help during you training and we need to test you for you skills."Nick said bluntly.

Kaneki followed Nick into a big room full of technology but Nick just quickly strolled over to a employee and gave him his suit. It was black, almost like his old suit but it had no hole for his kagune.'this will be a problem I'll tell him,on second thoughts I probably won't need to use it.'kaneki went into a different room and changed Nick hurried him saying that they spent to much time already. Kaneki was led into an big room. 'must be the meeting room' Kaneki saw different men sitting down looking at him. 'Form what I can tell there's the Hulk, captain America, Iron man,Thor.Black widow and Hawkeye were are they, on mission?'

"Everyone this is your new teammate".Nick said while walking out.He nodded his head for Kaneki to sit down.

"Play nice know and see you in testing in 10 minutes."

"What's your name?" Cap said which grabbed everyones curiosity .

"Just call me whatever you want I don't mind"

"Can we call you Eyepatch then." Everyone turned there heads towards Thor.

"Eyepatch? Hmm... That could work I suppose but doesn't seem like a good hero name."Tony said.

"Neither does Iron man." Kaneki said with a sly grin hidden behind his mask.He didn't have to be a mind reader to tell he got on there nerves.

I hope this can satisfy you for now ok I hope you enjoy these chapters so far and spelling mistakes. Autocorrect is a nightmare!★★★★★

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