Oh no..

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Mental health is one thing I took for granted, never really gave it much thought, until now. How on earth am suppose to pass this, what if they bring up bad memories of 'that' place, could I possibly    convince them to not give me the test? Is it written or was the test both physical and mental? I don't understand!

Kaneki sighed hard enough for Nick to hear.

" You alright kid? If you don't mind we need to test your mental stability. understood?"

Well I need to get it over and done with I guess but I'll try to stall.

"Sir do you mind if I do this tomorrow?"

Nick narrowed his eyes and clearly faced him with one of his eyebrows raised.

"It's only a few questions, your not hiding anything are you?"

Kaneki eye quickly widened but still tried to remain calm.

"Of course not sir I was just asking, well lead the way sir."

Nick turn around leading to a small room, it sightly bigger than an broom cupboard.

" Take a seat, for this I will testing you personally, first question."

Stay calm stay calm stay calm. Just a few questions and try to answer not to answer the questions truthfully.

" Would you ever torture someone to gain information."

Yes I would but I'm playing the role of a hero so

"No but if it was a dire situation in which i needed to with orders for you I would."

Nick face didn't move one bit, no smile, frown nothing moved. Did I answer right or not, jeez this man is like Mrs Yomo, just less nice.

" What you kill a enemy if they threaten your loved ones and kept you through torture?"

Jason. I don't like where this is going, I feel like I might lose control. I killed him and I would do it again , after what he did to he deserved it. Only the strong can survive, he said something like that but I was to hungry to listen to his bull shit.

"Never, I would be worse than the villains themselves. Killing would never bring them back."

"Lastly A enemy has a husband and wife, the captive tells you to only pick one to survive but they both tell you to choose the other one. what do you do while your on a time limit?"

I can't do this I can't do this I can't do this! It's just bring up bad memories I just can't. Kaneki started to fall of his seat and into the darkness of his mind, black and white with centipedes all over. He was in 'madness'. The place where all my rotton thoughts go and 'him'.

Kaneki looked around and fortunately he was not here, unfortunately for Nick Fury and everyone else, he was not in control of 'him' anymore.

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