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Kaneki woke up to the sound of his phone alarm and smashed it within seconds. He sat up in worry 'my phone! How can in read books now?!' Kaneki scooped up the remains of his phone and held it above his bin."Goodbye my love we had a good 10 days together, reading books, calling people doing whatever people doing with phones." He tosses it away, 'well I better get ready a meet that girl. What if she left already?' Kaneki quickly grabbed his hoodie and left his room in a hurry. He walked quite quickly through the streets of Tokyo until he appeared outside her 'house'.
'Remember, she's just a little ghoul girl who probably never met another ghoul or any nice ones.' Kaneki took a breath and walked quite tensely into the building."Hello, I hope you don't mind me coming I m here to ask a few questions." Kaneki looked right and left up and down to make sure he wouldn't get jumped. "Hello, who are you and why do you smell like ghoul?" Kaneki 's turned to the direction of were the voice came from.

"H-Hinami is that you?" "Big brother!" Hinami came running from another room into Kaneki's arms."I'm sorry I didn't recognize you at first, I haven't heard your voice in such a long time." She held him tighter and mumbled into his stomach."Don't worry Hinami I'm here but I got to ask, why are you by yourself and why did you those people?" Kaneki said in a small voice."I never ment to. I just woke up here and I got sick which made my sense of smell act funny and my kagune would go crazy when I get it out." She burst into tears."I don't know what to do." She whispered. "Don't worry I'm here now I'll protect you.its just me and you ok." I can't let them touch her and even let her know she exists.

"Ok, it's just you and me big brother."


There you go it now has a proper ending.Thanks so much for waiting for the chapters if you have been here since the beginning of thanks for reading this story upon the hundreds others.

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