chapter two

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Kindness POV

I was still on the couch.

I was still under him.

I glanced at the clock beside the TV.

4:37 am

I tried to get up, but I was stuck under his weight. Maybe you can wait him out. Maybe.

6:05 am

I have to get ready for school. Against my better judgment, I shook him and called his name.

"Jimmy, Jimmy. Wake up. I have to go to school. Wake up." His eyelids slowly began to flutter open. He looked at me. Well, it was more like a glare.

"Why are you waking me up?"

"I have to go to school."

"So, I want to sleep and I'm comfortable."

"Please, I have to go," He sighed and rose off of me. Before I was able to completely get off the couch, he pulled me onto his lap. I was straddling him. He grabs my jaw and pulls my face close to his.

"Give me a kiss." I gave him a quick peck and tried to get up.

"No, I wanted a real kiss." He smashes his lips on mine kissing me harshly. I kissed back. He slide his hand into my pants which made me open my mouth. Well isn't that fantastic? Now we were French kissing. It felt like his tongue was down my throat. I had to fight back a gage. His hand was rubbing me through my underwear and he groaned in my mouth. His other hand was placed on my butt pushing me to grind on him. He groaned again.

"Stay home." He said between kissing me. Hell no.

"I can't, I have to go or I'll get in trouble with my social worker." He sighed and let me go. I got up and glanced at the clock.

7:30 am

Crap! I quickly rushed upstairs and threw on my black hoodie, jeans, socks, shoes, and ran to the bathroom. I quickly brushed my teeth and washed my face. I went back into my room and stuffed my notes back in the binder and into my book bag. Grabbing my phone and keys to the house, I ran out of the house and to school.

"Kindness..." Ms. Owens, my Spanish teacher, said while calling roll. I raised my hand. "Why don't you speak so we can hear your voice." I'm not in the mood for her bullshit. Good, show her.

While giving her the death stare, attitude, and eye roll, I reply rudely with, "HERE!"

"Don't you speak to me that way or you'll have detention!" I shrugged my shoulders. I really don't care. Now if only I can get you to completely stand up to Jimmy.

"OK then, detention!" I rolled my eyes.

"Three days!" I just put my head down to stop myself from going nuts on her.

"Look at me while I'm talking to you!" Why won't she leave you alone? I'm beyond pissed now.

"Look teach, I'm not having a good day today, so can you back off," I said as calmly as a could, which, in reality, was still rude.

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