Chapter eleven

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I should've kept my mouth shut.

I knew this was going to happen.

It happened the last time I told.

I should've never told.

I'm sorry for pressuring you into telling. I really thought it was going to be different this time. It's not your fault. It's Karen's fault, my social worker. She convinced everyone that I was lying, again. Let me take it back to yesterday when this all went down.

The two cops, Sandra and Beck, Karen, and I was sitting in a room at the police station talking.

"Kindness, why are you doing this again?" Karen says glaring at me.

"Doing what?" I glare back.

"Lying on your parents again?"

"What you mean about that?" Beck ask her.

"I mean this is the second time she made these claims. Thats why you're last parents gave you up."

"I wasn't lying then and I'm not lying now!"

"Karen, it is not right to make claims like that. Look at her. She clearly is being hurt by someone." Sandra says standing up for me.

"I bet it's from fights she been in. Look at her track record," she shows them files, "all she does is be in trouble and cause trouble. She has even been taken in to custody for petty thefts and misdemeanors. She's even been caught with possession of drugs."

"Those drugs weren't mine, they were Andrea's!" I shout.

"Who is Andrea?" Beck ask.

"A foster parent I had. The one that gave me this scare on my face!"

"Which is another lie. Andrea's cat did that. All she does is lie."

"What would you say about those words carved into her back?" Sandra ask.

"Probably from a gang member. Jimmy did say she always came home late with bruises. He'll ask about them and she'll tell him to F off."

"He's lying!"

"No, you are. You need to grow up and stop trying to get good people thrown in jail." Beck and Sandra turns to glare at me.

"Do you know you can get charged with defamation of character young lady?" Sandra says.

"But I'm not lying! You have to believe me!"

"Save it. Jimmy is getting taken out of prison and he'll say if he still wants you living with him or not." Beck says as they all walk out. I lay my head in the table and cry.

Why won't they believe me! Almost everything on that file is a lie. I got into fights at school because everyone bullied me. I had the drugs because Andrea forced me to go get them from her dealer whenever she needed some more. And Andrea's cat didn't scratch my face. Yes I stole but that's because I needed food. I was hungry! All I stole was food. And misdemeanors?! The police caught me thinking I vandalized a building, but I didn't. The kids that was bullying me at school made me go with them. I didn't help, but when the police came, they caught us and everyone blamed it on me. Saying that it was my idea and that I made them! No one ever wants to hear my side of things. I really thought things was going to be different this time. Me too.

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