Chapter ten

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I woke up laying on my bed alone. My alarm was going off and when I tried to reach to turn it off I couldn't. Did you forget, your arm is broke. Crap. I turn it off with my other hand and slide off the bed.

I still feel extremely weak and limp to the bathroom. I get in the shower trying my best to wash up with my non-dominant hand. I watch as dry blood washes down the drain. They got you really bad. Yeah.

I step out the shower and try to dry off and get dress the best I could. The hardest part was trying to get my shirt on. After a few minutes I figured it out. I brush my teeth and put my hoodie on - which I had to go to the basement to get. I just put one arm through and covered my undid hair and messed up face with the hood. I can't fix it with one hand. I put on my shoes and grab my bag on the way out the house since it was by the door.

I slowly walk to school. Every step I took was as painful as the next. My legs were sore, I can't feel my broken arm, and my back was on fire. I think it's time to tell someone. You need a doctor. You're right. I can't hide a broken arm. Especially since my dominant arm is broke. Great! Who are you gonna tell? Mr. Gates.

I finally get to school, late. Everyone was already in class so I didn't have a run in with the guys. I walk up to the receptionist.

"Hello Kindness, do you need a tardy slip?" Mrs. Sherman asks.

"Yeah, and is it ok if I speak with Principal Gates?"

"Sure, let me ring him real quick," she picked up the phone and call he's office, "Yes I'm here with Kindness, she would like to talk to you if you don't mind... ok I'll send her in. Go right a head."

"Thanks." I walk into his office and take a seat at the chair in front and of his desk.

"What brings you here, Kindness?" I see him eying me hug my arm to my stomach.

"I, umm... I-" He can see I'm in destress and sits his back straighter.

"What take your time Kindness. Talk to me, what happened?" Tears stream my face and I start to sniff. He offers me tissues, which I except.

"I'm sorry, I just can't take it anymore. I- I was trying to be- be str-strong, but I'm not." I was wiping my face, but the tears kept flowing.

"Kindness, what's going on?" Girl get on with it. I'm trying! Not hard enough. I push my hood off and his eyes widen.

"Who did this?"

"Jimmy and his friends. They did other stuff too, but I don't want to talk about that." He kneels down in front on me examining my face.

"Are you hurt anywhere else?"



"Everywhere. It hurts to move. He broke my arm."

"Can you let me see your arm?" I nod and uncover it. Luck I was wearing a shirt.

"Ok, I'm going to call the ambulance. Your arm is swollen. How long has it been broken?"

"For a couple of hours now. He broke it late at night."

"How long has he been hurting you?"

"After the first month I was living with him, so for a few years now." He was on the phone with I'm assuming the police. After he gets done talking to them, he comes back to me.

"Why didn't you tell anyone?"

"Cause the last time I told someone with my last foster parents no one believed me." He looks at me shocked.

"You don't have to worry about that now, I'll get you out of there." I give him a one arm hug and thank him. He hugs me back.

"Ok, I'm going to leave real quick, I'll be right back ok." I nod and he walks out the office.

Great, finally! I thought you was going to keep this up until you died. Shut up. I told, didn't I? I just hope my social worker doesn't convince everyone that I'm lying like the last time. Don't worry, Gates is on your side. Plus you're walking proof that it happened. He left a lot of evidence. I smile a little. I'm finally free.

The paramedics comes in and look at my arm. They put me on the stretcher and take me to the hospital. The police say they will question me after the doctors are finished.

A nurse helped me get undress, to my embarrassment, and put on the hospital gown. The doctors bandaged my back - since it was still bleeding - and put a cast on my arm. The also gave me a ice pack to help reduce the swelling in in my face and abdomen. They did a lot of test, then brought me some food. After I ate they told me to get some sleep and when I wake I could talk to the cops. Once my head hit the pillow I was out.

I woke when I hear the door open. It was a nurse checking up on me. "Great, your awake. Would you like to speak to them now?" I nod. Might as well get this over with. She goes and get them.

Walked in two cops. One female and one male. They pull up some seats to the bed and sit down. The man was wearing a suit, while the girl was wearing business casual clothing. There badges hangs from there neck.

"I'm Sandra and this is Beck. As you know, we're here to take your statement." I look at them weirdly.

"Why didn't they send the regular police that wears cop uniforms?" Why is that relevant?

"We specialize in cases like yours. Now, you say that your father-" I cut him off.

"Foster father."

"Ohh, that wasn't brought to our attention. How long have you been with him?" Sandra ask.

"Three, almost four years."

"And you said that he's been abusing you?" Beck ask.  I nod.

"How long has it been going on?" He ask. 

"After the first month I lived with him."

"Has he ever touched you in a sexual way?" She ask. I stiffen up some.


"How many times?" She ask.

"A lot."

"Can you give me a number."

"No, it was like an almost everyday occurrence." I broke eye contact with them.

"Your save now Kindness. You won't be going back there." I nod.

"When was the first then he touched you in that way?" The guy ask. I really don't want to think about that awful day.

"It was after three months of living with him. I came a little late from my walk home from school because it was pouring raining. He hit me repeatedly and called me a lot of names like a slut and whore. He said something a long the lines that if I wanted to be a ho then he wants some action. Then he raped me."

"Was he the one to take your virginity?" The women asks. I shake my head no.

"That was taken with I was ten. I was with a different foster parent."

"We are going to let you get some more rest and get him behind bars don't you worry." The woman says. I nod and they walk out the room. I turn on the TV and watch Spongebob trying to forget about everything.

My finally free.

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