Chapter thirteen

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I walk down the usual dirt road to Max house to get the stuff. My gaze flickers in all directions trying to stay aware of my surroundings. You never know who is lurking in the shadows.

I cut through Ms. Washington's backyard. I be ask silent as I can not wanting that old crazy hag to to come running back here with her shoot gun. She never shots you, just close enough so you get that she doesn't want you on her property.

I now walk up Max's porch and walk in without knocking. There's no point since people run in and out this house all day.

The smell of smoke hits my nostrils almost knocking off balance. My poor lungs. Men and half dress women fill the house. Music is blasting and people are chattering. The only child here is me. The only child ever here is me.

I walk up the stairs to Max's room. Without knocking, I walk in to see him make out with some chick. I clear my throat and they look at me.

"Hey Kindness, here for the stuff for ya ma." He says, not ask. He gets up and grab something off the counter. "Got the green?"
I hand it to him and he gives me the drugs. He counts the money then lets me be on my way.

I walk down the steps making sure to stuff the stuff in my hoodie pocket. I rush out the house and make my way to Andrea's.

The sun was starting to set so I quicken my pace. Bad people comes out at night. To my luck it was dark when I was a quarter there. And to my luck I got stopped.

"What you doing out here at night kid? Shouldn't you be home?" I roll my eyes, which he couldn't see since my hood was up. I scrunched up my noise to the smell of his breath. Alcohol and cigarettes, gross.

"I was on my way there until you stopped me." I say in a cold tone. He chuckles.

"Little girl, watch who you talking to. Didn't your parents teach you to respect grown folk." He took another swig of his cigar.

"No, but I was taught to say way from strangers so if you'll excuse me," I tried to leave again but he grabbed my jacket and pulled me back.

"Did I dismiss you. These is the problem with you children. No respect." I tried to get out his grip.

"Let me go stupid!" I shout. He does then grabs my hair pulling me to look at his face.

"See what I mean. Disrespectful." His hold on my hair tightens. I kick him in his manly hood and he lets go. "You little bitch!" He groans on the ground. I try to run, but his friend grabs me.

"Move! Let me leave!" He puts his hand over my mouth and the other guy gets up.

"I think I should teach you a lesson." He punches me in the stomach repeatedly. I scream in pain trying to get away. "Uncover her mouth. Now what did we learn?" He grabs my chin and makes me look at him.

"To be respectful." He arches his brow at me. "Sir." He smiles and the guy lets me go.

"Good, now you may leave." I get up and go home.


School lets out and I go to my locker to get my stuff. I grab my book bag and stuff my books in there. I shut my locker and turn to walk away only to be shoved back into them.

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