chapter three

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Kindness POV

It was late at night when I woke up. I carefully slipped out from under him and gathered up my clothes.

Slowly, I limped to my room and got my stuff to take a shower. I didn't spend too long in there this time. Quickly got in and out. I went back to the kitchen and cleaned the mess. After I went back to my room, got under the covers and was fast a sleep.

I woke up to the sound of the alarm. I turned it off, made up my bed and got ready for school. I just threw my hoodie on and some pants, just trying to hurry and get out of here.

I went to the bathroom and my gaze fell on my self in the mirror. I had a bruise under my eye, a busted lip, and a bruised on my cheek. Dang, he got you good. I chuckled a little and put my hood on. It covered most of my face. I quickly brushed my teeth, got my stuff, and headed to school.

Once there, Blake, the new kid, and three others approaches me. What do they want? I'm not in the mood for these. Me neither. I ball and un-ball my fist.

"Hey kindness, what's up?" Blake say. I just shrug and keep walking.

"Why are you giving me the cold shoulder? I thought we were cool," I sigh. I should apologize. I stop walking and turn to face him.

"I'm sorry, I just had a rough day yesterday. So, who are y'all?" I say referring to the four guys standing with him.

"Oh, yeah, these are my friends: David, Leyon, Kevin, and Xavier." He introduce. They say some heys and what not. I give a short nod.

"Ok, now that's settled, I'm going to head to class."

"Alright, talk to you later?"


With that, I walk to English.


I grab my food and sat at my table. I'm mind starts to wonder off to Jimmy. Is he going to be mad that I sneaked away? I mean I did have to go to school and I know he doesn't like to be woken up. I'm glad I didn't have to wake him up. I'm already sore enough. I don't know how long a can take theses. Just a few more months. I was too caught up in my mind that I didn't notice the guys taking a seat at my table.

"Kindness, Kindness" Leyon say while waving his hand in my face.

"Get your hand out of my face or you wouldn't have something to jurk off with." He quickly removes his hand.

"Ok meany," Leyon remarks.

"Gosh, your such a baby," I tease. He pouts. He is not really helping his case.

"No I'm not!"

"Whatever you say little baby." He glares at me and I chuckle.

"So you're not going to make us leave?" Kevin ask.

"I guess not. I don't know, maybe if y'all start to get on my nerves." I give them all a look that they didn't see hence my hood.

"Got it." They say at the same time. I just shake my head. What am I getting myself into.

"We - Me, Leyon, Kevin, Xavier, and Blake - are the first to sit here! This cause for a celebration!" David shouts loud enough for the whole cafeteria - and maybe parts of Asia - to here. I start to laugh at his foolishness.

"You... Are so... Stupid." I say in-between laughs.

"Well, I wanted to whole world to know." David states factly. I just roll my eyes. He's dumb, but you got to love him.

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