sunday 8:45 amamalie, aisha, pia, and enya got up extra early to prepare a nice breakfast for their natalie who supposedly had a miscarriage.
"maybe she was still drunk and was just imagining things, she can't possibly be pregnant." enya said as she set up the table.
aisha, who was helping her disagreed, "yeah but she hooked up with shawn while they were drunk, and she's been sick all week."
"we really don't know, but you guys better not attack her once she wakes up." pia said putting some eggs and ham on the dining table.
"yeah, she probably feels like shit." enya agreed.
natalie came down a few minutes after. enya was right, she did feel like shit.
"good morning!" the girls all chirped.
"morning." natalie said quietly grabbing a spot at the table.
"we made breakfast!" pia said trying to ease the tension. "do you want eggs?"
natalie nodded before grabbing a little bit of eggs and ham. she slowly began to eat. the sound of utensils moving around was the only sound one can hear. it was very awkward.
the girls looked at each other arguing silently on who would ask natalie about the baby. they all agreed that amalie would do it, except amalie of course.
"how are you feeling, nat?" amalie asked.
"i'm fine, just stressed." she replied.
"yeah, schools getting kinda stressful, so many tests, boys.." amalie listed. "maybe even a baby?"
the girls glared at amalie. she looked at them and shrugged.
"i'm sorry nat, amalie's being insensitive, what she means is-" pia started before getting cut off by nat.
"no, she's right," natalie said before standing up to get something.
"amalie, what the fuck." enya sneered.
"you guys made me ask," said amalie who looked like a deer caught in headlights. "you know i'm bad at this."
"yeah, we know." aisha agreed sarcastically.
natalie came back and put something on the table. the girls all leaned forward to find what looks like a pregnancy test that had a positive symbol.
"i took it a few days ago." natalie said. "i'm sure it's shawn's, he's the only one i've ever, you know."
"have you gone to the doctor's?" pia asked.
natalie shook her head.
"you should always go, it's one of the first things you do when you find out that you're having a baby." aisha said.
"i know, but i'm scared. what would my parents say?" nat said. "i'm only 19!"
"we'll come with you." amalie offered dropping her utensils to hug natalie.
the rest did the same, before they all got into amalie's car to go to the doctor's.
the wait outside the office wasn't that long as it was still early in the morning. the girls were sitting around natalie, comforting her when the doctor called her in.
"is this an appointment for all of you?" the doctor asked.
"no, just me." natalie said taking a seat. the others went around her, as there was only one chair.
"so what brings you here today?" the doctor asked.
"i was sick all week, and i think i had a miscarriage." natalie explained.
"are you sure you were pregnant?"
"yes, i threw up a few days after, and had cramps since last week." she took out the pregnancy test and handed it to the doctor.
the doctor smiled slightly before she spoke, "the good news is that you didn't have a miscarriage, because you were never pregnant. this is an ovulation test."
they all sighed with relief and laughed at how much they stressed over this.
"okay, but the cramps must be from something else." the doctor said. "what was the last thing you ate?"
"eggs and ham." natalie answered. "this morning."
"exactly how much did you eat?"
"just one slice of ham, and an egg."
"you should try to eat more vegetables and drink plenty of water. eating very small portions, or skipping meals can cause stomach pain and excess gas, which is probably why you thought you were pregnant."
"so, what do we do now?" pia asked.
"we eat." amalie replied. she suspected something that natalie might be trying to do, but she kept it to herself not wanting to tell the others just in case her theory was wrong.
she thinks that what shawn told her made her feel self conscious, and now she's trying to get skinnier for him to find her attractive, since those are the types of girls he goes for.
amalie was ready to fight him for making her usually happy-go-lucky and confident friend feel unhappy with herself.

shame s.m
Fanfiction"look me in the eye and say you don't like me. then i'll go away" he said but she couldn't. *inspired by skam lowercase intended