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saturday 11:50 p.m

shawn pulled away still holding amalie's waist. he smiled at her softly before leaning his forehead onto hers, their noses touching.

amalie stared at his mesmerizing brown eyes, having no regrets on what she just did. maybe she'll regret it in the morning, who knows? but right now, everything felt right.

from a distance, natalie was watching the two as she held back enya's hair who was throwing up in the bushes. shawn and amalie didn't see them, but natalie saw everything. she tried her best not to feel upset, but the person who discouraged her relationship with shawn and helped her through her eating disorder just went behind her back and kissed him.

"it's almost midnight, what are your plans?" shawn asked amalie.

"well, i didn't take my car and i'm pretty sure all my friends are still partying so i don't know." amalie shrugged.  "i might take the subway."

"i'm not letting you go home alone so do you want to stay at my place?" shawn asked. "i'd drive you home, but chris was kinda my ride and my house is a ten minute walk from here."

"eh why not?" amalie agreed.

sunday 12:00 a.m

"welcome back to mi casa." shawn said as he opened the door.

"it looks really cozy in here," amalie said. "you know, without the drunk people."

shawn laughed and nodded in agreement.

"do you want anything to drink? are you hungry?" he asked her.

"no, i just want to sleep."

"do you want to sleep in my room? i can take the couch if you want."

"no, i'll take the couch, it's your house."

"are you sure? it gets really cold down here." shawn said.

"yeah, i'll be fine, i lived in norway for five years, don't underestimate me." amalie replied cooly.

shawn put his hands up in surrender, "okay, whatever you say, elsa."

amalie rolled her eyes playfully at his dumb, yet clever joke.

"i'll get you a change of clothes and a toothbrush, the blankets are in the closet." shawn said before going up the stairs.

amalie got the blankets and pillows and set up her little bed. she realized that shawn had two other guest rooms, but didn't bother asking him if she could stay in one of them. he's nice enough to let her stay in his apartment and offer his bed.

"the washrooms down that hall, i'm gunna get ready for bed, but if you need anything, you know where to find me." shawn said giving her the toiletries.

amalie walked to the washroom and got ready for bed. she put on a pair of nike sweatpants and a large obey hoodie that probably belonged to shawn. after brushing her teeth and washing her face, she went back to the couch and tucked herself in, already feeling the cold.

"goodnight!" she yelled earning a good night from shawn. she smiled to herself as she texted pia that she was staying at shawn's for the night.

pia however didn't see the text, she was busy doing something. more like doing someone. but that's an entirely different story.

at around one o'clock in the morning, amalie heard the furnace shut down, and it got really cold- really quick. she already had a hoodie, her socks and two blankets wrapped around her but she was still freezing. she tried to ignore it and heat herself up, but realized that she couldn't take it the cold anymore when her teeth started chattering.

she grabbed one blanket and went to one of the guest rooms. that room was as cold as the living room so she went to the other room which didn't have a bed. she knew that shawn's secret room was off limits so she knocked on the last door at the end of the hallway.

the door opened immediately to reveal a shirtless portuguese papi with messy brown hair and a gorgeous toned body.

amalie suddenly didn't feel cold anymore; shawn's hotness warmed her up. she gulped realizing that staring is a bit creepy, "can i sleep in your room? i'm really cold."

shawn smirked, "yeah of course."

amalie went under the covers and felt shawn follow her. she didn't bother putting up a wall of pillows that divided her side of the bed from shawn's. she was really tired and didn't care anymore. also she actually needed his body heat as she was still shivering.

shawn felt her shivers shake the bed so he scooted closer to her, "you still cold?"

amalie nodded hugging herself. shawn wrapped his strong arms around her and she instantly felt a lot warmer. she hated feeling so vulnerable around other people, but right now, she did not mind this at all. if anything, she was enjoying herself, as well as shawn.

she snuggled into his chest and fell asleep feeling really safe and warm. she did not regret this at all.


my thoughts and prayers go out to ariana grande, the arianators and manchester

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