Act One Scene One

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A/N: Ahhhhh I'm so excited! This was a year-long process and I'm so glad I'm finally publishing (I didn't tell my co-author yet). This was written in the format of a musical because that's how we wanted it done. Me and the co-author started writing this last year when we met in a film class, so we were both kind of theater-centered. Anyway, it has all the music in it! Some of the lyrics were edited to suit our needs, so I will include the edited lyrics for you all to read them. If the song has been edited, it will say so in the script. Please don't repost this anywhere without our say so.


-Oliver Patrick, Jensen Ackles

-Jackson Tyler, Misha Collins

-Logan Ben Ray, Jared Padelecki

-Aiden Dawson, Melissa McCarthy

-Rose Dawson, Ryan Renoylds (he's in bad drag, but it's not a jest at trans people bc that would be awful, it's just supposed to be funny)

-Narrator, Morgan Freeman

-Oliver's mom/every teacher, Allison Janney

-Amy Doe, Anne Hathaway

-Brad ( school jock ), Chris Pratt

A/N: All right guys, this has a lot of jokes about religion- also, after I get through posting all this, I'm gonna make the playlist on 8 tracks for the play and link it back here. Enjoy!!!!

Oliver is walking to the bus stop at 7:35; the neighborhood is just waking up and the sun is just starting to peek over the trees.

Narrator: Oliver Patrick had always been raised catholic.

-flashback to Oliver's catholic upbringing-

Oliver's mom: Don't be gay or you will get pregnant and you will die. Well, not really... But you will go to hell!

-back to the present-

Narrator: So it might be a little hard to understand the situations Oliver gets in, but I digress. You'll find out what happens now...

Oliver is now standing at the bus stop, and Aiden walks up.

Aiden: -excited and enthusiastic- Oh hey! I haven't seen you around here!! Are you new or somethin'?! My name is Aiden Dawson and I have a sister but she doesn't want me riding in the car with her anymore and I don't know why-

Oliver: Yeah, I wonder why... Well, uh, my name's Oliver and-

-the bus pulls up-

Aiden: Well, there's the bus! I would say you can sit with me but I'm usually surrounded by the ladies. -finger guns as she walks on the bus-

Oliver: -chuckles nervously and walks onto the bus-

Change of Seasons plays as Jackson sees Oliver. Jackson gets hit in the face with a paper ball that was thrown by Aiden.

Aiden: Come on Jackson stop ogling the new kid! You look like you did when Logan first started going here.

Jackson: Shut up Aiden I'm not "ogling"! It can't hurt to stare once in a while!! And I learned my lesson with Logan- I think everyone did...

Logan: I hate...all of you...

Aiden: Yes, we know, Logan.

Oliver: Uhh can I sit here? -motions to the seat next to Jackson-

Jackson: Oh yeah um that's totally fine.

Narrator: But on the inside, Jackson was flipping out. Just like this. "Omg omg he totally said that on purpose what if he thinks I'm cute. Holy shit."

Jackson blushes a little, but scoots over to allow Oliver to sit down.

Aiden: Oh just kiss already you two!!

Jackson: Bite me Aiden!

Aiden: I would if I was straight!! -motions to fight by the chest thrust motion(??)-

Narrator: And at this point Oliver was panicking because he was only on the bus ten seconds and already he was thought to be gay. But none-the-less he wouldn't say anything for now, for the fear of being rejected by his new friends.

Oliver: -laughs nervously but without humor- Heh...I-I don't like...boys. I'm...straight.

-Jackson's face falls at this; but luckily, as he has learned to, he hides his true feelings from his buddies-

Amy: Oof, good- I thought I'd never find someone cute who was orientated towards girls.

Oliver: -smiles flirtily- You single?

Aiden: Yeah, SURE. Just wait till you get to school. There are some boys there that even I'D go straight for. Jackson is ALMOST one of them- allllmossssst. Just not quite. -she playfully ruffles his hair- But Amy is the reason I stay. -she blows a kiss and Amy rolls her eyes.-

Amy: Yeah, yeah, Aiden. We know you're in love with me.

Jackson: So, if you're not'd you end up going to Lady Baltimore High?

-Oliver sits down, slightly confused. He didn't know what Jackson meant by it, but he chose not to question it at the moment (BAD DECISION)-

Oliver: Eh, I don't know- my family...well, my family...I'm from Georgia. My whole family is VERY Catholic, and things were getting a little...risque...there for a while.

-Aiden and Jackson exchange glances and Oliver takes this moment to realize that Aiden is indeed surrounded by girls-

Narrator: Oliver was a little nervous at this point, but he was giving everyone the benefit of the doubt. And praying (literally praying) that his friends weren't really gay, that they just had a really weird sense of humor.

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