Act Three Scene Four

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A/N: Whoops, it got bad again. Sorry, didn't mean to mislead you- just forgot. I've been having some formatting issues so please forgive any mistakes- any weird standalone sentences are supposed to be italicized and put in between (-) because they're directions, not dialogue. 

Narrator: Well, that took a hard turn. I'm sure you're thinking at this point, "how could this possibly have a happy ending?" But if you shut up and trust me, everything will be tied up in the end, much like Amy is now. 

 -It's spring break and everyone is partying. Jackson and Oliver have stayed far, far away from each other, going so far as to skip classes to avoid contact. Now that they're spending so much time at home, they can't help letting their thoughts wander to each other. Montage between (wow almost wrote Dean there) Oliver's room and Jackson's room; Ghosting is playing quietly in the background. As the camera flips from room to room, you see Oliver playing with the bunny ears and trying to keep busy. Jackson can't stop crying, but when he can, he pours his heart into his poetry. He fills up a whole notebook in 3 days. Oliver stares at himself in the mirror; he seriously doesn't recognize himself and he's contemplating who he is now- 

 -4th day of spring break; it's bright outside, but cold. Oliver pulls on some clothes (random ones) and goes for a walk. Candlelight starts playing. Oliver starts running. He finds himself outside of Jackson's house, staring at it and blushing. He keeps running. The same thing happens the next day, but he walks the whole way, and this time he stops at Jackson's house. Without hesitation (because he's thought long and hard on this) he goes up and knocks on the door- 

 Jackson: -answers the door, obviously confused and frightened- What in the hell are you doing here?! 

 Oliver: Let me in.  

 Jackson: No, fuck off –he tries to close the door-  

 Oliver: -catching the door with his foot- Jackson, this is important. Let. Me. In. 

 Jackson: -giving in angrily- Whatever, but you're not staying long, or else I call the cops.  

 Oliver: -stumbling in, he directs Jackson to the couch- Sit down. Please. I'll just be here a second.  

 Jackson: Fine. -collapses onto couch- 

 -They sit quietly a minute, Jackson glaring and Oliver watching him silently. Oliver puts a hand on Jackson's cheek, turning Jackson's face towards him. Jackson's gaze softens. Oliver gulps a little, takes a deep breath, closes his eyes, and kisses Jackson. Jackson is reluctant at first, still angry, but as Oliver continues, he goes with it, each of them submitting their passion to the other. They pull away, Jackson first- 

 Jackson: -breathily- the fuck... was that?  

 Oliver: -looking Jackson straight (HA) in the eyes- Please... just- give me the rest of spring break to- to... 

 Jackson: Shh, it's all right. Just go home and get some rest, okay? I understand. It's fine.  

 -Oliver nods agreeably and gets up from the couch, leaves the house without another word. The rest of spring break passes slowly; montages of Oliver, in his room crying, staring at the mirror before shattering it, and gulping down whiskey from a glass bottle (lord knows where he got that) and then school resumes. Amy and Brad already have new significant others and Aiden and Tanya are as hot as ever.- 

 Jackson: -seeing Aiden in the hall during the morning- Hey, A, have you seen Oliver?  

Aiden: -pushes Tanya off her; Tanya falls to the floor with a Wilhelm scream- What?! Oliver?! You mean- you mean Oliver Patrick, right? He told me what happened at Prom after we left. Why are you looking for him? Are you gonna start a fight? Are you gonna try to kill him? You know, after the alcohol poisoning, I don't think that's such a goo- 

 Jackson: -has been trying to interrupt- AIDEN!  I will tell you what happened when I figure it out myself. Now, have you seen Oliver?? 

 Aiden: No, I hear his mom had him moved back to Catholic school. 

 Jackson: What? Wait, what?! Catholic school? How did- But- What now?? 

 Aiden: Duh! We go after him!! 

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