Act One Scene Three

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A/N: Yeah, that happened. Keep going, I love you for it.

-cuts to the theater classroom- 

Brad: -walks up to Jackson- I saw the way you looked at me in uh first period. -chuckles oddly-  And uh if you ever wanna- 

Jackson: -interrupts him and nervously laughs- Well I'd love to, but uh -looking for a way out then Oliver comes in, he walks to Oliver and throws his arms around his neck-  I have to hang out with Oliver here! Yep 'cause uh.. We have an assignment to work on -laughs nervously- 

 Brad: -squints and then smiles- Ohh yeah sure! An "assignment"  -winks at Oliver and walks away- 

 Oliver: -horrified-  Do I even want to know what that was about? 

 Jackson: -confused- I don't even know what that was about. I was trying to get out of an awkward date- -removes his arms and steps back- I'm still mad at you by the way...  

 Oliver:  I don't blame you.. It was a stupid thing to say, but I don't want to lose my first friend at this school. 

 Jackson: -sighs and rolls his eyes- I'll forgive you... IF you work with me on this theater assignment. I'm not usually a partner kind of guy, but if you help me and I help you... 

 Narrator: Jackson knew this assignment was to write a romantic story with two people. But he didn't give two shits. 

 Oliver: Yeah of course! Whatever you want! -realizes what his says and his eyes widen- Well, uh, not "that"  -but you know.  

 Jackson: Well duh, do you really think I would kiss on the first date- date of your first day!  -chuckles nervously, trying to play off what he said- 

 Oliver: So you would kiss me another day? 

 Jackson: -nervously- Not without your consent of course! 

 Oliver: Okie dokie then... -finds a seat with Jackson, trying to break the super-awkard tension- So, what's this assignment? 

 Teacher: -walks out of her office- I told you all yesterday to work on your romantic scene assignments now stop dicking around! -walks back in and slams the door- 

 Oliver:  -shocked- This is a romantic scene assignment... Is that why you wanted me to work with you?! 

 Jackson: No, no! I just needed a partner! Jesus!! 

 Oliver: Thou shalt not use the Lord's name in vain!! You heathen!! Apologize right now!! 

 Jackson: Fuck you! 

 Oliver: Fuck you! 

 Jackson: Fuck me! 

 Oliver: Fuck no! 

 Jackson: Fuck! -shakes his head and waves his hands in distress- Listen, it's just a little harmless acting, okay?! It won't kill you! Or-like, send you to Hell!  

 Oliver: Fine... but no sex scenes and no mouth kissing! 

 Jackson: -seems to consider a minute-... What about sensual neck kissing? 

 Oliver: NO!  

 Jackson: Buzzkill. We'll do it your way. 

 Narrator: Over the next two weeks Jackson and Oliver worked really hard on their play. And Jackson tried not to get a hard-on during their classes together. He got more of a heart-on, a love boner if you will. But he wouldn't realize that for a while. 

 -cut to the end Jackson and Oliver's play-  

 Oliver: -as the character in the scene assignment- I guess I wasn't really asexual, huh? -takes Jacksons's hands and pulls him close- 

 Jackson: -trying not to panic- Diddo. -kisses his cheek as their stage fades to black, the class claps- 

 Logan: I hate all of you 

 Aiden: Awww, but they're so cute!! What about like Olison or Jackliver or- 

 Logan: Joliver- 

 Aiden: Yes!! -chants while the rest of the class joins in- Joliver! Joliver! Joliver! 

 Oliver: -quickly moves away from Jackson- Oh no... -glares at Jackson hatefully- See! This is exactly what I didn't want happening! -Oliver runs out followed by Jackson- 

 Jackson: Come on, babe- 

 Oliver: Babe?! No! No! I'm not your babe! Being gay is a sin, Jackson! I want to be your friend so badly, but you aren't taking me to Hell with you! I can't stand by someone who sins so recklessly every single day.  

 Jackson: -shocked- You know, I thought you were different, Oliver... But you're just some homophobic prick. -stomps away as the scene fades to black- 

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