Act Three Scene Three

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A/N: Yayyyyy prom! Actually, not so yay. The original play was written without the prom, and then we worked it in afterward, so if it seems a little shakey, that's why. Enjoy!

-Flips between Jackson, Oliver, Amy, and Brad all getting ready for prom. Blue Monday plays. (for the flip style, think V for Vendetta). Brad is getting ready angrily; he doesn't even wanna go- Amy is getting dressed up all sexily, like she's planning on getting laid tonight because she's going out with her boy toy- Oliver and Jackson are both getting dressed slowly, kind of like depressingly, and Jackson takes a swig of whiskey every once in a while (otherwise vodka). Aidan pops into Jackson's room whenever he starts drinking again and takes his alcohol away; he just pulls another bottle out of a secret stash every time. Flash to prom; everyone is already there and Oliver is walking in with Amy-

 Oliver: Hmm. Prom. Has anybody spiked the punch yet?  

 Amy: Oh, baby, you won't need alcohol to get the hangover I'm gonna give you.  

 The party is already raging; Laffy Taffy plays. All other forementioned characters are already at the party. Amy notices Jackson gazing over at the pair, so dragging Oliver over to a corner of the room and double checking that Jackson is watching, she starts making out with him. Even though they're kissing, it's very one-sided. Jackson locks eyes with Amy and then turns around and starts kissing Brad. It's very awkward because only two of the four are actually into it and it's not either of the pairs. Eventually, Oliver and Brad (the two who are getting awkwardly kissed) break away.  

 Jackson: -looks at Brad, says sexily- I'll be right back.  

 Brad: Don't take too long, because I have a BIG assignment waiting for you...-makes kissy face- 

 Jackson tries to hide his disgust. He notices Amy heading for the punch and follows her. 

 Amy: I saw you watching me. You looked like you were totally into it. Ya' know, I bet I could get Oliver to agree to let you watch us sometime... 

 -Hotel Room starts playing; Jackson goes beet red and can't speak- 

 Amy: I knew you were into it! Why don't we get out of here? -grabs Jackson's hand and drags him out of the room. Aiden is the only one to notice this; she follows them out of the room- 

 Jackson: I'm not 100% sure about this... I mean, what about Oliver? And I don't even like girls... 

 Amy: You will after this. -grabs Jackson by the collar and starts making out with him. Jackson is too beat down and depressed to fight. Aiden comes out, dragging Oliver and Brad behind her. Jumbled yelling ensues. Aiden yells- 

Aiden: Hey hey HEY YOU MOTHERFU- OKAY. Okay.  

 Amy: -moves back from Jackson and rolls her eyes- Why should you care? Oliver is obviously gay and Brad just wants attention, no matter who it is.  

 -more jumbled yelling- 

 Oliver: -yelling louder than the others- I'M NOT GAY. NOT. GAY. JESUS CHRIST. -makes the cross motion- I'm so sorry.  

 Amy: Oh, come on, everyone can see how gay you are for Jackson, Jesus.  

 Jackson: You know, not being gay is what caused this whole damn problem, so I don't know where the hell you're getting this stuff, whore.  

Brad: Don't you talk to her like that! 

 Jackson: I can talk to the school hoe however I want! She brought it upon herself.  

 Amy: Don't pretend you didn't love it -winks- 

 Oliver: Don't wink at him. You're my girl. 

 Brad: Don't you mean Jackson's your girl?  

 Oliver: I'm noT FUCKING GAYYYYYY!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

 Brad: Okay, then, kiss Jackson and tell us how you feel afterwards. Because one kiss can change a lot.  

 Oliver: Fine. Just to prove once and for all I'm NOT gay. I am straight. Straight as the cross. -wrapping one arm around Jackson's neck and placing the other hand on his face, he smooshes their faces together-  

 -Jackson starts to panic and his eyes go wide; then he sinks into the kiss and accepts it with all the happiness in the world. Oliver gets a bit more passionate but then quickly stops, realizing that's GAY- 

 Oliver: See, I told you so! I'm straight as the Christian church!! 

 Brad: No, no, no, you said straight as a cross, and a cross has perpendicular lines- it means they cross - I learned that in math class -makes kissy face- 

 Jackson: So, wait, Oliver... you... I mean, you really didn't feel anything? Nothing at all?  

 Oliver: Nope, nothing at all -still blushing like mad and lying through his teeth- 

 Jackson: -mcfucking loses it- I swear to God (insert Oliver's protests) every time I get my hopes up about you, or anyone I like for that matter, I just end up hurt all over again.  

 Brad: Maybe that's your own fault for having such high standards. If you could figure out that no one's perfect, just about anyone would do for you.  

 Jackson: Shut up, Brad. You're just as much a hoe as Amy is- maybe you two should go out, you belong together.  

 -each looks at the other, winces and shakes their head in denial-  

 Amy: Maybe we should leave. This conversation is boring me and it's kind of making me sad. -grabs Brad's arm and walks off with him in tow-  

 Aiden: Yeah, this is something you guys really need to work out. And you can only do that alone. So, I'm gonna go find Tanya, and maybe her girlfriend, and... -she trails off and walks away. Bohemian Rhapsody starts playing in the gym, so it's a little muffled but still prevalent-  


 Jackson: Why is it so hard to just accept who you are, Oliver? The whole damn school knows they're gay... why don't you? 

 Oliver: -won't look at him- I should have left the school when I had the chance. I should have gone straight back to Catholic school. 

 Jackson: Just- please don't talk like that. You know who you are. Deep down. Maybe you'll come to accept that after this. -kisses Oliver again, but not long enough to get pushed away-  

 Oliver: -backs away to lean against the wall of the school- You don't know what I want and don't pretend like you ever did. You don't know me, and now you never will, so just get out of my sight. That kiss made me want to throw up, and I'd never want anything like it again.  

 Jackson: -shoves Oliver off the wall and onto the ground- Fine! If that's what you think of me, I'll never talk to you again! -he runs off, trying to hide the tears- 

 -Oliver starts crying, still on the ground, then fade to black- 

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