Act One Scene Two

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A/N: This play isn't graphic enough to be rewarded a mature content seal, but it is definitely at least PG-13. Stay safe. 


-The bus arrives at school. It's settled gently around a patch of trees. Oliver walks off the bus followed by Jackson and Aiden. Aiden walks to class as God, I Hope I Get Him fades in. After the song Oliver and Jackson exchange class schedules and walk to first period. ( English. ) Then the bell rings.-

Teacher: Has everyone prepared their oral exams?

Logan: I have both done oral and my exams and neither seem to satisfy me.

Teacher: -sarcastic- Thanks for the asexual input once again, Logan. Moving on! Jackson, why don't you tell us yours for an example.

Narrator: Now Jackson usually isn't the sappy type, but he was in an... unspecified mood... when he wrote this.

-Jackson shrugs lightly and walks to the front-

Amy: -whispers to Oliver- Jackson's poems are always so... romantic. Personally I'm more straight forward -winks and pops a lollipop in her mouth sexily-

Oliver: -tries to focus on Jackson, but keeps glancing at Amy-

Jackson: I am in love with a boy in a dream, he does not know of my intentions or me, -looks at Oliver and quickly looks at the school jock- though I know we shall meet in real life, his love will feel like a feathered knife.

Brad: -blows a kiss to Jackson and winks badly-

Teacher: Daily reminder there are always condoms in the nurses office, and no one can hear you in the back end of the library. Keep it clean back there though.

Amy: It's actually really nice back there. There are these suuuuper comfy chairs -licks the lollipop sexily- Totally good for screwing -giggles-

-Class snickers and Oliver looks disgusted. Jackson returns to his seat beside Oliver. Seeing Oliver's disgusted expression-

Jackson: Don't worry, you'll get used to it after a while. It's how this school is- at least it's not public education, right?

Oliver: Well I wouldn't really know, since I've only gone to public school. At least there the queers were more discreet.

Jackson: -looks at him with disgust and anger- So that's what you think of me, isn't it?

Oliver: -face fills with blush and he forgets how to speak-

Jackson: -scoffs and rolls his eyes, turning away from Oliver and facing the front regretfully-

Oliver: Shit. Um, no I- -gets cut off-

Teacher: Oliver am I interrupting your obvious sexcapades? Or can I keep teaching?

Oliver: Sorry, Ms. Mam...

Narrator: Oliver spent Math and Science worrying about what he said. Fortunately Jackson isn't the type to hold a grudge- especially against cute boys.

-The scene changes to Science and Amy is trying to console Oliver-

Amy: He probably knows you didn't mean it, Oliver. Everyone makes mistakes.

Oliver: Yeah but not like that. I said it right to his face... I was just hoping you all weren't actually... ya know... gay.

Amy: Jackson is too sweet to hold grudges. It's okay- and even if he never speaks to you again, -sucks lollipop- you still have me.

Oliver: Yeah, I guess so...-smiles halfheartedly-

Amy: Well, were you serious- on the bus? Because I am single... You wanna...

Oliver: Go out sometime? Um...Okay... That would be fun.

Amy: You're still worried about Jackson aren't you? You know he never gets guys anyway... He's more like Jacks-off rather than Jacks-on...

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