Act Two Scene Three

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A/N: Eeehehehehhehehehehehheh I toy with your emotions!!

Narrator: Over the weekend, Aiden had told every single person at Lady Baltimore's (including teachers and administrators) about the scandalous party on the past Friday night, including the identity of Oliver's bunny lover. 

-Cuts to the school bus on the way to school-  

 Aiden: did you two like the party on Friday? I thought it was pretty chill. There were a lot of hot ladies that night, but Tanya was on fire! -Kisses Tanya; Tanya makes cat mroowww noise-  

 Jackson: -glaring at Aiden- I thought it was okay- I much rather would have stayed in with a nice book. 

 Oliver: Oh, you were at the party? I must not have seen you because -chuckles dirtily- I was with one fine lady that night.  

 Aiden: -mcfucking loses it and falls out of seat- 

 -Jackson is still glaring but Oliver is really, really confused- 

 Oliver: What- what's happening right now? 

 Jackson: I don't know, I think she's seizing or something... 

 Aiden: -finally calming down- It's just was with this...stud...that night...-mcfucking loses it again-  

 Oliver: for you. What-what's the guy's name?  

 Jackson: Umm...I think it was...-panics-Tolliver or something... 

 Oliver:...Hmm, okay. What were you dressed as? 

 Aiden: -still mcfucking losing it- 

 Jackson: Oh...I was an animal... 

 Oliver: That's funny! My lady was dressed like a playboy bunny! 

 Aiden: -is rolling around on the bus floor, dying, can't breathe- 

 Jackson: Oh- heh- that's funny...right, Aiden? It's fucking hilarious. 

 -Aiden is nodding and clapping like a retarded seal. The bus pulls into the school parking lot and the students get off. When the trio (quartet with Tanya) walk into school, everyone in the hallway falls silent and stares at them- 

 Jackson: What are they all staring at? 

 Aiden: -giggling- Couldn't tell ya. 

 Jackson: -rolls his eyes- Whatever, I'll see you later.  

 -Jackson exits-  

Oliver: Hey- did you catch the name of the girl from the party? I was wondering if she goes here.  

 Aiden: Ohhhhh yeaaaahh, she definitely goes here.  

 Oliver: Oh, okay, great. Maybe I'll see her today... 

 Aiden: I'm sure you will. 

 -Cuts to gym class- 

 Oliver: -laughs with nostalgia- That party was pretty great, eh? Yeah, I sure hope I see her again... -is getting undressed and changed for gym class- 

 Jackson:-jealously- What was so great about her? 

 Oliver: Everything. She had these eyes, they blue...and her body was kickin' and she was just the right amount of all over me. She wasn't desperate, but she was definitely into it.  

 Jackson: -chokes-  

 Oliver: She was just... the way she danced... -sways and smiles while remembering it- 

 Jackson: -daydreams and watches him while I've Just Seen a Thing plays- 

 -The set changes to Jackson's daydream. Everyone is dancing in gym uniforms and Oliver is in only boxers. Jackson gets hit in the head with a dodgeball.-  

 Oliver: Oh, my gosh! Are you okay? Let's go to the nurse. Come on.  

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