Act Two Scene Two

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A/N: All right, this is our absolute favorite part, so get ready!!! This might make you laugh out loud or squeal noisily so beware!!!! 

Narrator: Little did Jackson and Oliver know, Aiden had a plan. She totally shipped them together, so she helped Oliver get ready while Jackson donned his own costume.  

 -Tear You Apart plays and it shows a montage of the two getting ready. Jackson is dressing in drag and Oliver is dressing as a classic vampire. It only shows small clips of Jackson getting ready. Then it goes to the party scene.- 

 Aiden: Someone looks fancy, who you trying to impress? 

 Oliver: No one right now... 

 Aiden: Well I'm pretty sure their might be some straight girls here -smirks- 

 Oliver: -acts mildly interested- Oh, really? 

 Aiden: -sees Jackson- Well I have to skedaddle! I think I see Tanya and she's lookin' fine. -Tanya's dressed as a fucking sexy nurse- 

 Oliver: Just- please go to Tanya.  

 Aiden: Fine, good luck on your whore hunt. -walks off- 

 Oliver: -frowns but turns back to party, his eyes widen and his mouth drops open slightly- 

 -Cherry Bomb starts playing as Jackson walks in dressed as a Playboy Bunny. He has a heart shaped bag full of lollipops and is sexily eating a red one.-  

 Oliver: -walks to Jackson- Hey, Cutie, are you my homework, because I wanna slam you on the table and do you all night long.  

 Jackson: -looks around, panicking a little bit, then turns back around and mouths "me?"- 

 Oliver: Yeah, of course you. You're the hottest one here. You don't have a boy toy with you, do you? 

 Jackson: -shakes head innocently/ sexually, but isn't trying to be sexual- 

 Oliver: Well I guess we should get you something to drink then, huh? -walks to the bar and grabs a beer for both of them. They see two people finishing up a lap dance- 

 Amy: Okay who's next for a dance session? 

 Aiden: -stops making out with some girl and motions for Jackson to do a lap dance- 

 Jackson: -drags Oliver to the chair and pushes him in it confidently, Oliver goes to object but Jackson puts the lollipop he was eating in Oliver's mouth- 

 -Lovit by Marian Hill plays as Jackson gives Oliver a lap dance. After it Jackson pulls Oliver by the collar and pecks him on the lips. Then everyone wants a lap dance from Jackson, but Oliver drags them to a spin the bottle/ seven minutes in heaven game. Oliver has his arm around Jackson's waist.-  

 Aiden: Hey guys- I mean guy and lady. You two wanna play? You can spin first if you want, Oliver. 

Oliver: Oh, thanks. -spins the bottle, but it lands on someone else. While no one is looking Aiden moves it to Jackson- 

 Aiden: Well I guess you two have some good luck, huh? -winks at Jackson- Get in that closet you two.  

 -Jackson and Oliver walk into the closet and close the door behind them. Jackson looks away and continues eating a lollipop, obviously flustered. Spooky Scary Skeletons plays- 

 Oliver: Ya know we don't have to do anything you don't want to- 

 Jackson: -pulls Oliver into a kiss, then a few minutes into the make-out session Jackson gets a text and has to leave. He takes off running, Cinderella style, and his Playboy Bunny ears fall off. He keeps running, ignoring the ears, and leaves the party immediately. 

 Oliver: Wait! Hang on, wait!! Damn...I find a great girl in this area, and she Cinderellas' my ass. I have to find her... 

 -cuts to Jackson, driving away, on the phone-  

 Aiden: Hey- are you okay?  

 Jackson: Yeah, I just- I got scared he might find out who...He... You can't tell him. Ever.  

 Aiden: Why? What happened in there? -kissing sounds /sexual moaning over phone- Tanya, chill for a sec. Are you okay? 

 Jackson: I'm fine, I'll talk to you later- just...enjoy the party.  

 Aiden: Fine, okay. I'll see you Monday. 

 Jackson: Okay, bye.  

Narrator: Jackson spent the remainder of the weekend daydreaming about that night- it had been the best of his life so far- or at least, the best of his high school life. But Oliver only wondered about the mysterious girl he had met at the party.

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