chapter 8

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Chapter Eight

Michael's POV

I felt my heart breaking at the sight of Sabrina. We had sat in her room all night and talked about each other a lot. I think I was beginning to like her. Luke definitely didn't deserve her at all. He made all these fucking comments about how he liked her and was only treating her like shit because he doesn't know how to act around a girl. That's bullshit.

Saturday afternoon I left to go to the grocery store and spotted Luke there. He waved to me but I ignored him. 

"Michael what the fuck?" Is he serious right now?

"You are a huge fucking dick for ditching Sabrina like that. Don't talk to me." He scoffed. 

"ME treating HER like that? She was the one that was only using me for sex! I hear she was a real slut back where she was from. She should just go back, it'd be better off without her." I wanted to punch him in the fucking throat.

"Who the hell brainwashed you Luke? Who told you those awful things about her? She would NEVER do something like that. You have no idea what she has gone through and for you to do that literally broke her. She doesn't deserve to be treated like that." I spit out at him.

"Oh and like you know so much about her Michael." He laughed. I took to strides toward him and lifted him up by the collar of his shirt.

"I know well enough that she fucking skipped school and has been crying for two days because of you." I seethed. He gawked at me.

"Bu-But Jessica said-"

"You fucking believed Jessica? She's only jealous that you asked Sabrina and not her." He didn't say anything. "Once you get your shit figured out let me know and you can apologize to Sabrina." I left him standing there and continued on with my day.

*   *   *   *   *

Sabrina's POV

I decided it wasn't worth my time crying over someone who didn't care about me. I had Michael Calum and Ashton as my best friends and that's all that mattered. We were lounging on the couch eating pizza and the doorbell rang. I furrowed my eyebrows confused, who else is coming over?

"I'll go get it." Michael jumped off the couch. We continued watching TV until we heard slight shouting at the front door. I wanted to get up to see what was going on but I decided on staying put, I knew Michael could handle it. 

"Sabrina come here!" I heard Michael yell from the front door. I got up from my seat, butterflies erupting from nervousness. Did I do something wrong? I was surprised to see Luke standing at the door. The surprise turned to sadness which turned to anger. He was the last person in the entire world that I wanted to see right now.

"Sabrina please can we talk." He pleaded. He did not deserve my time. Maybe I was over reacting but I had dealt with enough shit in my life.

"Fuck. You." I spit at him. His face fell and Michael gave him a hard stare.

"Sabrina, please, I know what I did was so so terrible but please, hear me out." I was fighting with myself. Maybe it really wasn't what it looked like. Of course it fucking was he ditched me and left me there!

"You left me alone when we were supposedly on a date that YOU forced me on. Was it just a plan to embarrass me? Do you really hate me that much to do such a shitty thing? I've gone through enough in my life and if you're just going to turn my entire life to shit you should just stay away from me." I felt hot tears rolling down my face. I have a literal pain shooting through my heart, I feel heartbreak. So much heartbreak and him doing this to me has brought back the pain. I need to get away. I pushed past him and Michael standing at the door and started running. I heard shouts behind me but I didn't stop running. I had no clue where I was going but I needed to get away before I did something I regretted.

I found myself standing at a small park. I sat down on a swing and put my head in my hands and sobbed. Why was I such an awful person? What did I do to deserve everything that has happened to me? Why does everyone hate me?

I sat on the swing swinging a little bit for what felt like an hour. I heard someone walking around in the park but ignored their presence.

"Sabrina." The person whispered next to me.

"Luke please you've caused me enough pain just leave me alone." I begged.

"I'm not leaving until you know what actually happened." He explained to me what happened and that Jessica told him all these things about me and how there were rumors going around at school, which made my heart break even more. It's freshmen year all over again. I felt myself crying for what felt like the hundredth time this weekend alone. I looked up and stared him in the eyes.

"Did Michael tell you?" He just looked at the ground, he knew. I took in a deep breath and nodded, chuckling.

"You know, when I came here I was hoping to have a fresh start. Make new friends, learn new things, a clean slate." I shook my head feeling like I was going to cry, but blinked back the tears. I was tired of crying, tired of everything.

"Can we start over? From before we met, before the date, before all the fighting. Please?" He asked. I thought about it before nodding my head yes. His face lit up and I gave him a small smile.

"I don't want to go back to school on Monday." I said quietly.

"We can get through it together, I promise." 

*   *   *   *   *

Saturday all the boys, including Luke slept over. He was being awfully nice to me, which was a nice change of pace. I could feel a weight off of my shoulders and it felt good. 

I was laying in bed and Ashton stuck his head in.

"Mind if I join you?" He sweetly asked. I patted the spot next to me and smiled. He smiled back and jumped on my bed, practically landing on top of me. 

"Ashton, watch it!" I giggled, playfully slapping his arm. He laughed and sat up, cuddling into my arm. I looked at him and smiled, biting my lip.

"Don't do that." He mumbled into my arm. I laughed and did it again.

"Why not?" He sighed at my question.

"Because it makes me want to kiss you." He whispered.

"Then do it." I found myself saying, before I could even process the words. He looked me in the eyes before sitting up. He cupped my face and leaned in, and soon I felt his lips lightly touching my own. It wasn't all that I expected. I half expected fireworks and the feeling of being on cloud 9, but I never felt it. I pulled away.

"I'm sorry, Ashton I-" I was cut off by the door creaking open. I couldn't tell who was standing there because the figure quickly ran away when we took notice. I gave Ashton a confused look and he shrugged. 

"Anyway what I was saying was-"

"No, I get it, you like Luke that's okay. Maybe we can give this another try later on." He winked getting up from my bed. I looked at him like he was psycho. He really thinks I like Luke? Do I like him? 


hello guys yes this is an update yes it probably sucks but yeah idk. I cant believe i have 250 reads like what but yeah thank you so much to the people voting and who commented and yeah youre awesome. 

I have like writers block or something and i really have been having a hard time right now so just hold tight because i have things coming up for Luke and Sabrina (wink wink) love you guys! -sab

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