chapter 13

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chapter 13

 Lucy's party came quicker than I would have liked. I really wasn't excited about going but Luke wanted to so I of course was going.

We were all sitting in the living room, ready to go.

"Please, don't get too fucked up tonight." I told the boys.

"Don't worry about us babe." Luke said, kissing my cheek. We all piled into one tiny car, me being squished in between Calum and Luke. Michael was in the passengers seat and Ashton was driving.

"Obviously I will not be drinking since I'm the designated driver." Ashton said not so enthusiastically.

The drive to Lucy's house was about 20 minutes. Her house was fucking huge. Kids were literally pouring out the front door and music was so loud it made the ground vibrate.

"Please make smart choices." I practically shouted at Luke over the loud music.

"Same to you love." And he stalked off to find his buddies. I stood there, not sure where to go. Hands grabbed at my waist spinning me around.

"What the hell?" I half laughed, turning around to see Ashton.

"Keep me company tonight." I nodded, smiling at him. I wasn't one to drink that much so I was glad Ashton was going to be sober as well.

We ended up sitting on the couch, winding up playing a game of truth or dare. It was me, Ashton, Calum, Sophie, and a few people I had just met tonight. Sarah, my new friend, was asking Ashton truth or dare.

"Truth." He responded.

"Do you like anyone in this game right now?"

"Yeah, sort of." He blushed. I felt butterflies growing in my stomach. Wait, why am I getting butterflies?

"Okay, Calum, truth or dare?"

"Dare." He said with a grin.

"I dare you to kiss Sophie." Ashton said with an evil grin. At this point, everyone besides Ashton and I in this circle are completely drunk. 

Calum crawled over to Sophie, grabbed her by the back of the neck, and full on made out with her. There was no stopping them.

"You guys can stop now." I giggled. Calum just flicked us off and continued. 

"I guess I'll go." Jacob said. "Sabrina, truth or dare?"

"Dare." I confidently stated.

"I dare you to find Luke and then stick your hand down his pants." I laughed at how childish the dare was but decided to do it anyway.

"Wish me luck." I grinned.

I searched through the kitchen, not being able to find him. He also wasn't in the backyard. This was weird. Where is he?

I pulled on a random guys shirt.

"Hey, do you know where Luke is?"

"No clue. I think I saw Lucy dragging him somewhere like 20 minutes ago." I got really nauseous. I knew this wasn't going to turn out good.

I basically sprinted back inside and upstairs into the bedrooms. The first door I burst open was Michael and some random chick. I quickly apologized and moved onto the room down the hall. I heard soft moans coming from the inside and I wanted to cry. I slowly opened the door praying it wasn't Luke and Lucy.

I instantly wanted to throw up, pee my pants, and cry all at the same time. 

Lucy was straddling Luke and they both were almost naked.

"Luke?" My voice cracked, tears about to spill.

"What the fuck?" Lucy in her high pitched squeaky voice spit.

"Sabrina get out." Luke stated.

"Are you crazy?!" I shouted.

"Obviously he doesn't want your lame ass anymore." Lucy laughed, getting off of Luke and putting her shirt back on.

"But I thought-"

"You thought wrong. I don't want you anymore. You're worthless and you don't mean shit to me." Tears started falling from my eyes and there was no way I could stop them.

"Please tell me this is some kind of sick joke." I replied.

"Why don't you go cut yourself again." Lucy said to me with a sick twisted smile. All Luke did was laugh. He fucking laughed.

"Fuck you Lucy, you're a piece of shit." I spit back at her, growing furious. 

"Go fuck yourself Luke." I finally said, leaving the room slamming the door. 

Nothing felt real right now. It felt as if everything was in slow motion. I wasn't even crying anymore, but my whole body was shaking. I felt like I was going to blow.

"Ashton we need to leave." My voice cracked as I spoke to Ashton.

"Why babe what's up?" Ashton said, a worried expression growing on his face. I lost it. I started hysterically crying, collapsing into his body.

"Luke." I shakily said.

Ashton dragged me out of the party, driving me home. He told Michael and Calum that we had to go, it was an emergency. I wasn't able to get one word out since we left, and I couldn't stop crying.

Ashton pulled me into my room and we sat on the bed and he just held me in his arms, rocking me back and forth telling me everything was going to be okay.

Everything wasn't going to be okay.

"Luke cheated on me and told me horrible things. He laughed when Lucy told me to go cut myself." I finally sobbed out.

"What the fuck?!" He said growing angry. "Ignore what he said he is a drunken idiot and Lucy is a good for nothing whore. He's probably getting an STD as we speak." I sort of laughed at his insults.

"My life has been such shit since I came here. Worse than back home." I calmed down a bit, hiccup sobs only escaping once in a while.

"Do you think you're going to go back home?"  I didn't answer. I didn't even contemplate going home until  he just brought it up. Maybe I should go back home. Everything would be better off. I wouldn't feel like shit all the time. I would just fly under the radar and finish my junior and senior year without a peep from me.

Australia was not all that I expected it to be.

I woke up the next morning wrapped tightly in Ashton's arms. My head was pounding and I felt like shit. I pried his arms off of me and trudged into the bathroom. 

My hair was a disheveled mess. My eyes were blood shot and extremely puffy. My whole entire body hurt. I jumped into the shower, not caring that Ashton was asleep in my room. I spent a good 30 minutes in the shower just standing there letting the water beat against my back. I picked up the shampoo and conditioner and washed my body, and then got out. I dragged myself back into my room and Ashton was still asleep. I pulled out a sweatshirt and sweatpants and slid them on before climbing back into bed.

Ashton woke up when the bed shook.

"Feeling better?" Ashton asked groggily.

"No." I sighed. I cuddled my pillow and felt tears about to pour out. I had an awful ache in my chest and it felt like my heart was literally broken. 

"Do you want me to stay or leave?" 

"Please stay." He cuddled into my back and wrapped his arms around my waist.

"You deserve so much better than him." He mumbled into my shoulder. I quietly sobbed into the pillow, tearing staining my cheeks.


aye 600 reads u guys r freaking awesome. this fanfic is coming to a close. but ill probs do a sequel.

PLEASE READ MY ASHTON FAN FIC ITS GOOD OK I PROMISE. its called sweetheart. yay. ily guys. -sab

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