chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Things were Luke were perfect honestly. We spent the next month and a half glued to each other, we couldn't get enough of each other. 

I found out so many interesting things about him, things people usually wouldn't notice. How he loves to read, his love for cartoons, and how well of a singer he is. Word got around school fast that we were a couple and I gained a lot more friends, probably because of Luke's reputation at the school. 

I was currently laying on Luke's bed, my head was on his lap and he played lazily with my hair. I loved these types of moments. Just laying, around not even having to speak but enjoying each others presence. The movie soon ended and I let out a loud yawn.

"Tired?" He asked me. I nodded and cuddled into his chest. He kissed my forehead and let out a sigh with content. 

"You're so special to me." He admitted. I looked up at him taking in his appearance. His eyes were closed and his head was tilted back, leaning against his headboard. His lips has a small smile and you could tell he was happy.

"You've made me so happy Luke. I know we didn't get along in the beginning but I like you so much and I don't know where I would be without you." I shyly admitted pressing my face into his chest. He pulled me away and looked me in the eyes, our faces inches apart.

"I'm going to kiss you now, okay?" I nodded not being able to wait anymore. Our lips connected and I literally felt sparks flying, as cliche as it sounds. He dragged his tongue against my bottom lip asking for entrance which I allowed.

Things got hot and heavy quickly and I was straddling him. His hands were resting on my hips and my hands were tangled in his hair. I yanked at his hair lightly causing him to moan in my mouth. I moved my lips to his neck sweetly kissing up and down until I found his sweet spot. I sucked gently on his collarbone which made me moan more. I smiled to myself and sat up. He pulled at the bottom of my shirt, basically asking for me to take it off. I wasn't exactly comfortable with my body but I allowed him to take it off anyway.

"You are so beautiful." He said as his eyes raked down my chest. I felt awkward so I pulled off his shirt also. It literally looked like he was sculpted by God. I kissed from his neck down his stomach across the line where his boxers peeked from his jeans. I felt him hard beneath me and it made my heart beat one thousand beats per second. I glanced up at him unsure of what to do. I wasn't exactly experienced. 

"You don't have to if yoou're not ready yet."

"No, I want to." I sat up and slowly unzipped his jeans. With much effort I pulled them off and saw his boner showing promptly through his boxers. I took in a shaky breath and let it out slowly.

I pulled his boxers down and took his length in my hands. I lowered my head down and started sucking slowly, but gradually quickened my pace. I felt him tangle his hair in my hands and he added slight pressure.

"Fuuuuuuuck." He moaned making me pump my hand along his length, along with my mouth.

"I'm so close." He whispered breathlessly. Seconds later I tasted his cum in my mouth and I quickly swallowed it. 

"You're really good at that." He admitted a minute or two later. I smiled to myself, glad I could make him happy. I picked his shirt up off the ground and put in on, sliding my jeans off.

"I love seeing you in my clothes." He said. I blushed and jumped on the bed making us bounce.

"You're spending the night, right?" He asked.

"If you want me too."

"Of course I do." He responded. I went in for a kiss but he quickly turned away.

"You just gave me a blow job, I'm not kissing you until you've brushed your teeth." We both laughed and I hopped off the bed into the bathroom.

"Do you have any spare toothbrushes?" I yelled.

"Look under the sink there should be some unused ones there!" He yelled back. I searched through the cabinet, finding tons of empty perscription bottles. I pulled one out seeing a perscription for Luke.

It was for severe depression and schizophrenia. 

"What are you doing." I heard a deep voice ask me from behind.

"I, um, was just looking for a toothbrush." I shot up from my crouched position. His eyes were dark and he was slowly inching toward me. 

"Don't ever fucking go through my shit again." He said through clenched teeth. I felt myself back up against the wall and I gulped. I had no idea what stunt he was going to pull so it was better off I didn't anger him now. 

"I didn't mean to I was just looking for a toothbrush like you told me." 

"Don't lie I fucking hate liars." He pressed his crotch into mine. I was fully pressed up against the wall and had no way to escape.

"I'm sorry." I squeaked out.

He released me from my position and left to go back into his bedroom. I stood there for five minutes to collect my thoughts and process what the fuck just happened. I went back into the bedroom sliding my jeans on.

"I think it would be best if I left." He didn't respond, he just stared blankly at the wall. I slipped my shoes on and left the house.

The walk home was only about 20 minutes but it was sketchy as fuck. There were creeps out making comments on me asking if I could give them a good time. I just ignored them, freaked out enough as it is. 

I approached Michael's house and opened the door slowly, not sure if anyone was awake or not. I heard strings of curse words and things being thrown around the house.

"Michael?" I said quietly. Everything went silent.

"Sabrina? Is that you?" I heard a raspy voiced Michael respond. He emerged from the kitchen with bloodshot eyes and bloody knuckles.

"Oh my gosh what happened?" I rushed over to him pulling him into the kitchen to clean him up. The place was a complete wreck, there were broken plates and glasses thrown everywhere, chairs were flipped along with the table. 

"She fucking cheated on me." He sobbed into my shoulder. I felt my heart swell at his words.

"Who, Adri?" He slightly nodded and continued to sob. I've never seen a boy cry before now and it is literally the saddest thing I've ever seen. I rubbed his back trying to calm him down. I walked him over to the couch where he sat staring at his hands.

"I just fuck everything up right?" He said in a whisper.

"No Michael you don't. It wasn't your fault. She just fucked up with the worlds best guy. She will never find anyone better than you, I can promise." I tried cheering him up. 

"If you didn't have a boyfriend I would kiss you right now."


im shit at smut scenes. im not gonna post until this chapter reaches at least 3 votes or 1 comment. MY BIRTHDAY IS ON THURSDAY IM SO EXCITED ASJGSAKLJGHASKJGHKS. idk if this is good or not i just wanted to update. im gonna start writing the ashton fic now im just figuring out a title.  THANKS FOR 5OO READS WOW AMAZING ICONIC ILY -sab 

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