Chapter 12

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I continued to eat my food and soon finished. I smiled at myself.. I was going to leave today to give Jepson a visit. I knew exactly what to do to get under Sarah's skin. And when Josh is dead. It's my opportunity to get her.

I excused myself from the table, just when i was about to make an exit my dad called me.

"Don.. A word please."

I stopped in my tracks. I shut my eyes and mumbled shit, before i turned around and smiled.

"Yes, father.. What do you need?"

He walked up to me and narrowed his eyes at me.

"What was that back there? Are you crazy.. We don't know what that girl will do." He said and shook his head.

I frowned. "She is not "That Girl" she is my fiancé. And she is not stupid enough to go out and babble if she know what we are capable of." I said and starred straight into his eyes.

He looked at me for a minute, searching my eyes.

He sighed in defeat and held his head low. He picked his head back up and nodded. "I swear.. If you do anything to hurt this family, i will have you prisoned."

I nodded and walked away. I was headed to my room to pack some of my belongings for the weekend. This was going to be the best weekend ever. I could just see it. Life would be so much better without Josh. And i will make sure that it will.


Jenna looked at me and blinked a couple of times. "What do you me--"

Someone knocked on the door and made her jump and us both to look at the door.

She looked at me and slowly walked to the door.

"Who is it..?"

"The handsome man that you rejected"

I knew exactly who it was.


I smiled and left out of the room to give them privacy. I went into the bathroom down the hall and did my business. I washed my hands, looking at myself in the mirror i saw someone else. I didn't see Josh Teris. I saw a whole different person. I looked down to the sink and rested both of my hands on the side of the sink, shaking my head.

What am i doing. Once my dad finds out.. I'm dead.. No scratch that "We" are dead.

I shook my head once more and left out of the bathroom. I didn't hear voices so i went back into the living room. Jenna sat there on her laptop smiling.

I smiled and sat next to her. I knew he asked her again and she said yes.

"You said yes?" I asked

She looked up to me surprised i would ask. She slapped my shoulder and closed her laptop. She leaned back on the couch and played with her fingers.

"So did you?" I asked.

She looked up at me and smiled. "Yeah.. I did"

I chuckled and shook my head.

I hope Tyler knew what he was getting into.

"Really?.. Wow"

She looked up to me and frowned, probably wondering why i said it in a sarcastic tone.

"I'm just kidding.. You guys are cute"

She laughed and got up.

"Well i have to get ready.."

My eyes widened. "I have to stay,here with him"

She narrowed her eyes at me. "He's not that bad.. You just have to get to know him"

I leaned back on the couch and rubbed my face. There was no way he was going to accept me after what my family is going to do..


I sat on the bed and starred into space. I couldn't believe he said that. Even if i was to bring them around, it wouldn't be long. I already knew he had problems with Safred. I just didn't know what it was. I got up and went downstairs, i wanted to get some things, because i was starting to run out of soap. I walked down the long hallway, i saw Cleo.. Don's sister walking toward me. I put on my bold face. I was just going to walk past her.

I knew she didn't like me for shit, but i wasn't going to be childish and act on it. I walked past her but not without her bumping me.

"Watch where the hell you're going!" She scolded.

I stopped and shook my head.

What the hell the bitch bumped into me.

I continued and made myself walk forward.

"Hey! I'm talking to you"

I heard footsteps. She was coming, i kept walking. I was not going to kill her before "The Wedding"

She grabbed my shoulder and turned me around.

"I know you heard me, you little twit"

I smiled at her name for me and said.

"Yeah.. I heard you.. But i'm not a childish bitch like you" i said and turned on my heels.

"I know the king Jepson and i will tell him everything."

I stopped in my tracks.

I turned around quickly and walked up to her. "You tell him and i swear!" I scolded.

She smiled and bagged back. "What are you going to do.. Jen?"

My eyes widened and watched her walk away with my secret.


I walked home on good terms.

I couldn't believe she said yes!

I literally skipped to the palace. As soon as i got there my dad was handling something outside. I walked up and saw an old friend, a very old friend.


Soon as she saw me she focused her attention to me.

"Tyler! Hey!" She said and hugged me.

She caught me off guard, but i hugged her anyway.

"How have you been!? I haven't seen you in like forever!" She exclaimed

I smiled slightly and looked at dad, he had an unpleasant expression on his face. I saw that as a signal that i interrupted something important.

"Yeah. I know.. Umm.. I have to go" i said and quickly walked away.

And believe me, that wasn't the only reason why i walked away.

Aria and i used to be mated. She broke the bond because of the little confirmation with Jenna's family. She said i was a murderer and didn't want to be with me. And for some reason i think she still loves me... And to be honest i don't think she broke the bond.

Sometimes i could still feel her, i still feel her in my mind and I've been having a strange attraction to Jenna.

They look alike.

If Aria didn't break the bond... Its gonna be hell... Because she will find anyway to get that chance to have me again.

And i mean anything.



Hey! Sorry for the late update! But this chapter is a spin after this everything will get all hectic.. All the action will happen... I can't wait for the ending because the second book is awesome!! Yessssss! I said second booookkk! :D

Thanks for reading :)

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