Chapter 19

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So, as I was said before.. Tyler is the devil. He has made so many failed accomplishments.

It's pathetic.

June 8, 1970

I ran into the house tired, my dress reeked of blood and dirt. My hair was a bloody mess and my body ached for freedom.

Freedom of this wretched war,

Freedom of this demon inside of...


It all started with a curse.

Soon, he was going to die, but who was going to save him.


The clueless mate, falling for the dark prince.

Is that what you're thinking?

No, not at all.. The story goes a little different.

I was "Chosen" as they put it.. I was just a little petite working girl in the quarters.

I was a nobody, until a vampire invaded the field.

I was in the barn checking on the chickens. The vampire grabbed me and tried to feed off of me.

But Tyler saved me, and killed the rogue.

Then, I knew we were mates... And so on and so on.

The curse started with Safred.

A friend of mine that casted a spell on the "Immortals".

She gave them human mates.


Hell, so they can suffer and see their partner die.

Turn them? It comes with a price, They die... You die.

The rules? She made them.

If you lie you die, tell the truth.. you shall live a life of a rich barbarian.

The story continues...

I ran into the house tired, my dress reeked of blood and dirt. My hair was a bloody mess and my body ached of freedom.

"Tyler!" I yelled searching the house.

I ran into one of our maids, Helen.

"Helen..! Have you seen Tyler?"

She shook her head frantically.

I shoved her aside and searched the house some more.

I went down to the basement and saw him there tied up, bruised and it looked like he didn't have a life he was just there.

"Tyler!" I yelled running to him.

But someone grabbed my neck roughly, stopping me.

I shut my eyes closed.. but when I looked up, I couldn't believe my eyes. My body couldn't stand anymore. I had no more energy to look at him, the pain started to my head to my heart.

"My plan was successfully played out" He said and walked over to me.

I didn't even want to meet his eyes.

I didn't even want him to be by me.

"Tyler.. what did you do?" I asked looking up at him.

He smiled devilishly.

"I killed my twin brother for a fact.. and Josh is next.. Then you.. then.. The king Jepson."

I grasp and looked up to him with tear filled eyes.

"Just wait.. My love.. Just wait.."

And next thing you know. He bit me and I blacked out.

But I never forgot.. And I know his plan still stands.


I sat there and looked at josh confused.

I stood up. "Who's here"

He shut his eyes and took a deep breath. "My.. My dad.. his men"

I shook my head, still confused and looked at Naomi. Her face expression read fear.

I walked out of the room and went to the front door. I looked out the window and saw a large crowd of people coming. I snatched away from the window, and quickly looked at Josh And Naomi.

"Who are those people..?" I asked both of them.

Josh looked at me and protested, and Naomi looked away from my gaze.

"What's going on?" I asked

"They tracked me" Naomi said and walked over to the window, they should at least be here by now.

I quickly went into the back room and got my sword and headed to my room.

A knock sounded at the door, I was halfway into my navy blue suit, when Naomi came in.

"What are you going to do.?"

I looked at her for a moment.

"What do you think.. I'm going to fight.. Look after Josh when i'm gone."

She shook her head. "You can't fight on your own" she said going for a sword.

I grabbed her arm quickly.

"Naomi.. No.. you can't.. I'll handle it."

She dropped her shoulders in defeat. "Sarah.. Don't get hurt out there.."

I nodded. "I'll be fine.. Mom and Dad trained me well" I said and put my sword case on my waist.

Right before I was about to leave she put a hand on my shoulder.

"Does he know..?" she asked looking straight into my eyes.

I sighed and shook my head no.

"Sarah.. You have to tell him.. if you don't.. he'll find out the wrong way and you will lose him forever."

My eyes watered.

She was right.

I hung my head low and nodded.

"I will don't worry.."

She nodded and her hand fell from my shoulder.

I went out the door and slipped through the back door.

If they wanted Josh they will have to go through me.

Once I stood before them, I had to take a few breaths.


I was going to need that, I was to go out there and fight.

I can die, or I can live.

This is a life or death situation. I thought, taking my short strides.

Once I reached them, Once They Looked up to me. I knew.. My life was on the line.

It was plenty of them, Against little ole me.

"Hey.. You came to fight.. Let's fight." I said and snatched my sword out of the case.

They acknowledged me, They saw what I came for..

And soon enough all of them ran to me.

And I was prepared to....


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